王金凤, 汪均平, 程雪梅, 刘济祥, 林富平, 岑明伟, 陈卓梅. 3个树种容器大苗培育基质和施肥技术的初步研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2017, 37(4): 71-76. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2017.04.013
引用本文: 王金凤, 汪均平, 程雪梅, 刘济祥, 林富平, 岑明伟, 陈卓梅. 3个树种容器大苗培育基质和施肥技术的初步研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2017, 37(4): 71-76. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2017.04.013
WANG Jin-feng, WANG Jun-ping, CHENG Xue-mei, LIU Ji-xiang, LIN Fu-ping, CEN Ming-wei, CHEN Zhuo-mei. Prelimary Study on Different Substrates and Fertilizers for Cultivation of Three Tree Species Sapling[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2017, 37(4): 71-76. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2017.04.013
Citation: WANG Jin-feng, WANG Jun-ping, CHENG Xue-mei, LIU Ji-xiang, LIN Fu-ping, CEN Ming-wei, CHEN Zhuo-mei. Prelimary Study on Different Substrates and Fertilizers for Cultivation of Three Tree Species Sapling[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2017, 37(4): 71-76. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2017.04.013


Prelimary Study on Different Substrates and Fertilizers for Cultivation of Three Tree Species Sapling

  • 摘要: 2014年5月至2015年12月,以2年生木犀Osmanthus fragrans,3年生银杏Ginkgo biloba及乐昌含笑Michelia chapensis为研究对象,通过4种不同基质配比及4种不同施肥处理开展容器大苗培育技术研究。结果表明,黄心土:泥炭:珍珠岩=2:2:1处理显著促进了3个树种容器大苗的生长,因此,从成本及适宜性考虑,为3个树种容器大苗培育的适宜育苗基质。不同施肥试验的结果表明,施用复合肥(N:P:K=15:15:15,总养分含量≥45%)3.5 kg·m-3的处理及施用长效缓释肥(N:P:K=l8:6:12,总养分含量≥36%)1.5 kg·m-3的处理均有利于木犀及银杏的生长,但鉴于缓释肥具有施用量少、环境污染小等优点,1.5 kg·m-3缓释肥的处理为木犀及银杏容器大苗培育适宜的施肥方式。而3种不同缓释肥处理的乐昌含笑容器苗长势均显著高于复合肥处理,其中以3.5 kg·m-3处理的苗木表现最优,随着缓释肥施肥量的增大,各生长指标随之增加。


    Abstract: Experiments were conducted from May 2014 to December 2015 on different substrates and different fertilizer to cultivate 2-year Osmanthus fragrans, 3-year Ginkgo biloba and Michelia chapensis. The results showed that substrate of sub-top soil: peat: pearlite = 2:2:1 could significantly promote the growth of tested species and was recommended for sapling cultivation with lower cost and better adaptivity Different fertilization experiments showed that saplings of O. fragrans and G. biloba grew better with both 1.5 kg·m-3 of slow-release fertilizer (SRF) and 3.5 kg·m-3 of compound fertilizer (CF), with advantages of less quantity for fertilization but little environment pollution. The growth of M. chapensis was better with each quantity of SRF than that with CF, and it had the best growth with 3.5 kg·m-3 of SRF, showing positive relation with quantity of SRF.


