

Measurement of Increment and Analysis of Meliosma rigida at Natural Forest in Qingyuan

  • 摘要: 对浙江庆元天然林中45 年生笔罗子Meliosma rigida 的树高、胸径和材积3 个树干解析数据进行分析,研 究其生长规律。结果表明:(1)笔罗子树高的生长受环境条件的影响很大,在生长期内不稳定;胸径和材积的高 速生长期集中在26 a 以后,因此前26 a 为最佳抚育期。(2)材积的连年生长曲线和平均生长曲线在生长期内并 没有相交,因此不能确定笔罗子的数量成熟龄。(3)利用IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 对年龄与树高、胸径和材积进 行拟合计算,3 个拟合的数学模型都具有较高的精度,能较好的反映笔罗子的生长规律。


    Abstract: Stem analysis of 45-year Meliosma rigida was conducted in terms of height, DBH and volume from a natural forest in Qingyuan, Zhejiang province. The results showed that height growth was greatly influenced by the habitat, fast-growing period of DHB and volume was after 26 years of growth, indicating that it was the best period of tending from 0-26 years. The current and mean annual increment curve of volume had no intersection during growth period, therefore, age of quantitative maturity could not be identified. Fitting calculation by IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 on age with height, DBH and volume demonstrated that mathematical models had a good fitting accuracy.


