

Investigation on Population Dynamics and Generations of Monochamus alternatus in Longli Forest Farm of Guizhou Province

  • 摘要: 为进一步了解贵州省龙里县松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus 种群动态和成虫发生规律,及不同类型的诱捕 器对松墨天牛的诱捕效果,分别于2016 年和2017 年在贵州省龙里林场两个工区的3 个样地进行调查。2016 年诱 捕器诱捕成虫结果表明3 个样地成虫发生的高峰期为6-8 月,诱捕到的雌虫数量明显多于雄虫,雄雌虫量平均比 率为1:1.72,且雌虫比雄虫先羽化;林木成分是影响松墨天牛数量的一个因素,在华山松Pinus armandii 林收集到 的虫量明显高于马尾松 P. massoniana 林。ZM-60 型诱捕器的诱捕效果优于ZM-80 和6 层漏斗式诱捕器。而通过其 发生高峰期及有效积温计算推测该地松墨天牛年发生可能为2 a 3 代。2017 年在和平工区设置诱木,结果表明在该地 区松墨天牛为2 a 可3 代。


    Abstract: Field traps and luring logs for adults of pine sawyer beetle, Monochamus alternatus were set during May and November of 2016 and 2017 at 3 sample plots in Longli Forest Farm of Guizhou province. The result demonstrated that the occurrence of adults had peaks from June to August. Female adults were trapped more than males with male/female ratio of 1:1.72, and emergence of females was earlier than that of males. Beetles at Pinus armandii were more trapped than at P. massoniana. ZM-60 had best efficiency among tested traps. Three generations within 2 years of M. alternatus were concluded by peak occurrence and effective accumulated temperature. Survey result of luring pine wood logs in 2017 also suggest that the pine sawyer beetle could be able to finish three generations in two years.


