

Experiment on Different Formula of Substrate and Cultivation Measures on Yield of Dictyophora echinovolvata under Castanea henryi Stand

  • 摘要: 连续2 a 在盛产期锥栗Castanea henryi 林下进行棘托竹荪Dictyophora echinovolvata 培养料基质配方和栽培 时间、栽培用料量等栽培措施试验研究。结果表明,不同棘托竹荪基质配方、栽培时间、栽培用料量及施肥与不 施肥对棘托竹荪产量均有显著性差异(P<0.05);开沟与不开沟栽培对棘托竹荪产量无显著性差异。在林下栽培 棘托竹荪,宜采用发酵料;栽培时间以2 月为宜;单位面积栽培料以37.5 kg·m-2 为宜;林地土壤肥力条件较差的 林地宜适量施肥;土壤疏松度较好的林地水平梯带上可不开沟栽培。


    Abstract: Experiment of selection of formula for cultivation substrate for high yield of Dictyophora echinovolvata was carried out in 2015 under Castanea henryi stand in Qingyuan, Zhejiang province. Next year, further experiments were implemented on different cultivation time, substrate quantity, fertilization of C. henryi stand, furrowing and non-furrowing on yield of D. echinovolvata. The result showed different cultivation substrate formula, cultivation time, substrate quantity and fertilization had significant effect on yield of D. echinovolvata, but furrowing and non-furrowing had no evident influence. The experiment showed that fermented substrate, cultivation in February with unit area substrate of 37.5 kg·m-2 had better effect. C. henryi stand with low fertility was needed to be fertilized, and with low hardness could cultivate with non-furrowing.


