

Current Situation and Analysis of Ancient and Famous Trees in Harbin

  • 摘要: 古树名木具有重要的历史、科研、文化价值,了解其分布、数量、生长现状是保护古树名木的基础性工作。 通过查阅资料、实地调研、走访,对哈尔滨市古树名木进行调查,结果表明,哈尔滨市共有古树名木1 075 株, 分属9 科15 属18 种,优势树种是榆树Ulmus pumila,961 株。在对古树名木树种构成、行政区分布、生境、树 龄、胸径和名木情况做具体分析的基础上,针对哈尔滨市古树名木生长现状,提出严格控制使用融雪剂、加强名 木培育意识、大力发展古树名木旅游业、加强古树名木保护措施的建议。


    Abstract: Investigations were carried out during June of 2016 to August of 2017 on ancient and famous trees in Harbin, Heilongjiang province. The result showed that there were 1 075 ancient and famous trees in Harbin, belonging to 18 species of 9 families and 15 genera. Ulmus pumila had the largest number of 961 trees. Analysis was made on species composition, distribution, habitat, age, DBH of ancient and famous trees. Suggestions were put forward like less use of snow-melting agent, strengthening awareness of famous trees, developing tourism targeting the ancient and famous trees, taking protection measures for ancient and famous trees.


