黄开顺, 梁海英, 梁晓静, 李开祥, 梁文汇, 刘明霞. 八角开花特性与规律研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(1): 43-48. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.01.007
引用本文: 黄开顺, 梁海英, 梁晓静, 李开祥, 梁文汇, 刘明霞. 八角开花特性与规律研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(1): 43-48. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.01.007
HUANG Kai-shun, LIANG Hai-ying, LIANG Xiao-jing, LI Kai-xiang, LIANG Wen-hui, LIU Ming-xia. Flowering Characteristics of Illicium verum[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(1): 43-48. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.01.007
Citation: HUANG Kai-shun, LIANG Hai-ying, LIANG Xiao-jing, LI Kai-xiang, LIANG Wen-hui, LIU Ming-xia. Flowering Characteristics of Illicium verum[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(1): 43-48. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.01.007


Flowering Characteristics of Illicium verum

  • 摘要: 2017 年5-11 月,通过田间观察13 株八角,研究了广西南宁八角Illicium verum 开花特性与规律。结果表明,八角花期集中在6-10 月,6 月开始大量抽蕾,7 月中旬至9 月中旬集中开放,之后开花量逐渐减少。抽蕾过程几乎贯穿整个花期,抽蕾以6-7 月最多,8 月较少,9-10 月很少。不同年龄枝的着花量有显著差异(P<0.05),当年生枝着花量最多,其次是一年生枝,最少是老枝。花的生长发育期平均为31.20 d,其中花蕾期27.69 d,单株间差异显著(P<0.05),花瓣开放期3.51 d,单株间差异不显著。同株同期抽出的花蕾,其花蕾期长度也普遍相差较大。花的结构特征变异较大。花萼2 ~ 4 片,多数3 片。花瓣6 ~ 16 瓣,多数6 ~ 10 瓣。雄蕊群10 ~ 26 枚,多数10 ~ 18 枚。雌蕊群的心皮5 ~ 13 枚,以8 枚常见。同株不同花朵之间,其萼片、花瓣、雄蕊和心皮数量不一定相同。


    Abstract: During May and November of 2017, 13 different clones of Illicium verum were selected for observation on flower at Nanning Anise Genetic Resources Center, Guangxi. The results showed that flowering phase was from June to October, with a large number of flower buds from June, in full bloom from July to September. It had the most flower buds in June and July, less in August, and a few in September and October. It had obvious difference (P<0.05) of amount of flowers among different aged branches, with the most on current year branches, followed by 1-year ones and older ones. It had evident difference (P<0.05) of growth period of flower among clones, with mean of 31.20 days, among them, 27.69 days for bud, 3.51 days for blooming without significant difference among clones. Calyx 2-4, mostly 3, tepals 6-16, mostly, androecium 10-26, mostly 10-18. Gynobase had 5-13 carpels, commonly 8 ones.


