韩坤一, 王诗丰, 林观勇, 唐崇袍, 林竞芳, 林太本, 滕元文, 刘辉, 王懿祥. 浙江青田县古树名木资源变化原因与保护情况分析[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(2): 103-109. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.02.018
引用本文: 韩坤一, 王诗丰, 林观勇, 唐崇袍, 林竞芳, 林太本, 滕元文, 刘辉, 王懿祥. 浙江青田县古树名木资源变化原因与保护情况分析[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(2): 103-109. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.02.018
HAN Kun-yi, WANG Shi-feng, LIN Guan-yong, TANG Chong-pao, LIN Jing-fang, LIN Tai-ben, TENG Yuan-wen, LIU Hui, WANG Yi-xiang. Changes and Protection of Ancient and Valuable Tree Resources in Qingtian County[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(2): 103-109. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.02.018
Citation: HAN Kun-yi, WANG Shi-feng, LIN Guan-yong, TANG Chong-pao, LIN Jing-fang, LIN Tai-ben, TENG Yuan-wen, LIU Hui, WANG Yi-xiang. Changes and Protection of Ancient and Valuable Tree Resources in Qingtian County[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(2): 103-109. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.02.018


Changes and Protection of Ancient and Valuable Tree Resources in Qingtian County

  • 摘要: 2017年11月至2018年1月,按照《浙江省古树名木普查建档技术操作细则》要求,采用手持古树名木野外数据采集仪,对青田县全境的古树名木进行实地调查,结果表明,青田县共有古树名木有9 150株隶属34科68属107种,主要分布在农村,有8 977株,占全县总株数的98.11%;全县古树名木生长正常株数8 321株,衰弱株324株,濒危株89株,死亡株416株,部分古树名木健康状况堪忧,急需采取救治措施;目前青田县古树名木砌树池保护243株,挂牌保护218株,设置护栏保护30株,支撑保护15株,包树箍保护6株,封堵树洞保护6株,对于处于濒危、有严重病虫害的古树名木救治不够到位。对2002年古树名木调查数据与2017年的进行比较,结果表明全县古树名木物种、个体数量变化明显,主要原因是受自然和人为两大因素及其交互作用影响。提出建立以GIS为基础的古树名木地理信息系统数据库,构建青田古树名木地理信息分布图,实现古树名木动态监测,及时发现问题,解决问题。


    Abstract: Field investigation was carried out from November, 2017 to January, 2018 on ancient and valuable trees in Qingtian county, Zhejiang province.The result demonstrated that there were 9150 trees, belonging to 107 species of34 families and 68 genera, while 6703 trees belonging to 85 species of 33 families and 63 genera in 2002.1841 trees were not found in 2002, and there were problems in 2002 such as wrong species, uncorrect DBH and longitude and latitude, etc.The result showed that 819 listed trees were dead from 2002 to 2017, mainly caused by pest and insect and natural disaster.Suggestions for better protection and management of ancient and valuable trees were offered.


