闫淑芳, 黄印冉, 冯树香, 刘易超, 董谦, 樊彦聪, 陈丽英. 金叶红瑞木物候期观察和乔木型嫁接技术研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(3): 32-36. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.03.005
引用本文: 闫淑芳, 黄印冉, 冯树香, 刘易超, 董谦, 樊彦聪, 陈丽英. 金叶红瑞木物候期观察和乔木型嫁接技术研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(3): 32-36. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.03.005
YAN Shu-fang, HUANG Yin-ran, FENG Shu-xiang, LIU Yi-chao, DONG Qian, FAN Yan-cong, CHEN Li-ying. Observation onPhenologicalPeriod and Grafting Technique of Swidaalba ‘Aurea’ on S.macrophylla[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(3): 32-36. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.03.005
Citation: YAN Shu-fang, HUANG Yin-ran, FENG Shu-xiang, LIU Yi-chao, DONG Qian, FAN Yan-cong, CHEN Li-ying. Observation onPhenologicalPeriod and Grafting Technique of Swidaalba ‘Aurea’ on S.macrophylla[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(3): 32-36. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.03.005


Observation onPhenologicalPeriod and Grafting Technique of Swidaalba ‘Aurea’ on S.macrophylla

  • 摘要: 观测了金叶红瑞木Swida alba‘Aurea’在石家庄的物候表现,叶色、枝条的颜色变化;以培育乔木型为目标,以3年生梾木S.macrophylla为砧木,对金叶红瑞木进行了春季枝接和夏季芽接嫁接试验。结果表明:金叶红瑞木开花时,枝条大多数花芽均可生出 1~2个伞房状聚伞花序,树冠外围花序先开花,一般是枝条的顶端和向外伸展的侧枝开始开花。生长期叶片金黄色,休眠期枝条鲜红色。在春季3月25日切接成活率为8.22%,4月15日插皮接成活率为7.98%;夏季7月20日一级侧芽作芽穗嫁接成活率高达86.2%,而枝下芽作芽穗嫁接成活率达74.7%;采集带一级侧芽的接穗嫁接,嫁接芽萌发早,长势好;以嫁接为基础,首次提出灌木乔木化理念,成功培植乔木型金叶红瑞木,开发产品新类型。探明了金叶红瑞木在石家庄地区叶片和枝条颜色变化规律以及时间节点,为园林应用提供依据。


    Abstract: Observations were carried out on phenological period ofSwidaalba ‘Aurea’ in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province from March of 2016 to the next March.The result demonstrated that leaf was golden yellow before August, Kelly between August and September, and went red in October till the next March.Branch was bright red in the winter.Experiments were conducted on grafting of S.alba ‘Aurea’ on stock of 3-year S.macrophyllain Spring and Summer.The results showed that the survival rate of cuttings grafted in the spring was about 8%, while that in summer was 86%.Three years continuous grafting of S.alba ‘Aurea’ on S.macrophylla, a new arbor S.alba ‘Aurea’ could be sold.


