陈红星, 周先尧, 张龙满, 陈秀元, 汤富彬, 张苏炯. 磐安长榧种实特性初步研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(5): 24-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.004
引用本文: 陈红星, 周先尧, 张龙满, 陈秀元, 汤富彬, 张苏炯. 磐安长榧种实特性初步研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(5): 24-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.004
CHEN Hong-xing, ZHOU Xian-yao, ZHANG Long-man, CHEN Xiu-yuan, TANG Fu-bin, ZHANG Su-jiong. Preliminary Study on Seed Traits of Torreyagrandis‘Merrillii’ in Pan’an[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(5): 24-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.004
Citation: CHEN Hong-xing, ZHOU Xian-yao, ZHANG Long-man, CHEN Xiu-yuan, TANG Fu-bin, ZHANG Su-jiong. Preliminary Study on Seed Traits of Torreyagrandis‘Merrillii’ in Pan’an[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(5): 24-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.004


Preliminary Study on Seed Traits of Torreyagrandis‘Merrillii’ in Pan’an

  • 摘要: 2016年7-9月,以浙江省磐安县香榧Torreyagrandis‘Merrillii’和榧树T.grandis中的磐安长榧(种实、种核为细长型的类型)自然类型为研究对象,采用抽样调查法对其种实发育在充实期-成熟期的生长特性、不同无性系种实性状的差异及变异、优株与子代种实性状遗传变异特征等进行研究。结果表明,成熟时单个种实、种核、种仁质量均值均达到最大水平,且单个间的变异系数为最小;长香榧、特长榧、弯长榧三个无性系种实的鲜单实质量、鲜单核质量、种实纵径、种实横径、种形指数、种核纵径、种核横径、核形指数、干单实质量、干单核质量、干单仁质量、干出核率与‘细榧’之间均存在显著差异(P<0.05),且三者彼此间种实性状的差异也较大。嫁接繁殖子一代种实性状与母株相比差异较小,表明性状稳定遗传。


    Abstract: Sampling and determinationwas implemented on seeds of Torreyagrandis ‘Merrillii’ (Pan’anchangfei) in Pan’an, Zhejiang province,during July and September of 2016, focusing on the growth characters from farctate period to ripe period, the difference and variation of seed traits among different clones, the characters of heredity and variation between mother plant and its filial generation. The results demonstrated thatthe average single mass of seed, nut and kernelreached the maximum at mature period, and the coefficient of variation got the minimum. Determinations and analysis on seed traits resulted that there were evident differences between every clone of ‘Pan’anchangfei’ and T. grandis in single fresh seed/nut mass, single dry seed/nut/kernel mass, vertical/cross diameter of seed/nut, shape index of seed/nut, ratio of dry nut and seed,and there were large differencesamong different clones. The filial generation of plus tree had higher inheritance and lower variation in seed traits.


