尹杰, 彭儒胜, 蔄胜军, 李晓宇, 纪纯阳, 彭建东, 任晓旭, 赵洪波. 8个杨树品种(系)苗期抗寒性综合评价[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(5): 32-37. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.005
引用本文: 尹杰, 彭儒胜, 蔄胜军, 李晓宇, 纪纯阳, 彭建东, 任晓旭, 赵洪波. 8个杨树品种(系)苗期抗寒性综合评价[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(5): 32-37. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.005
YIN Jie, PENG Ru-sheng, MAN Sheng-jun, LI Xiao-yu, JI Chun-yang, PENG Jian-dong, REN Xiao-xu, ZHAO Hong-bo. Comprehensive Evaluation on Cold Resistance of 8 PopulusStrains at the Seedling Stage[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(5): 32-37. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.005
Citation: YIN Jie, PENG Ru-sheng, MAN Sheng-jun, LI Xiao-yu, JI Chun-yang, PENG Jian-dong, REN Xiao-xu, ZHAO Hong-bo. Comprehensive Evaluation on Cold Resistance of 8 PopulusStrains at the Seedling Stage[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(5): 32-37. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.005


Comprehensive Evaluation on Cold Resistance of 8 PopulusStrains at the Seedling Stage

  • 摘要: 2016年3月以8个杨树Populus品种(系)一年生扦插苗枝条为材料,对其进行变温幅度﹣40~20℃的4次变温处理,对处理后的萌芽率进行差异性分析,结果表明,第4次变温处理时各品种(系)的萌芽率差异达到最大。2017年3月以相同处理方法对8个杨树品种(系)一年生扦插苗枝条进行变温处理,并对处理后的枝条进行生理生化指标测定。采用相关分析、主成分分析及隶属函数法对8个杨树品种(系)各指标进行分析评价并得出综合指数,依据综合指数对各品种(系)苗期抗寒性进行排序,结果表明,‘小青杨’P. pseudo-simonii>09-02-31>10-01-02>09-01-20>辽河×中绥12号> K99 >‘辽育3号杨’P.×deltoides‘Liaoyu3’>10-02-23。通过聚类分析将8个品种(系)划分为3类,‘小青杨’、09-02-31为一类,其抗寒性最强;10-01-02、09-01-20、辽河×中绥12号、K99、‘辽育3号杨’为一类,其抗寒性较强;10-02-23单独为一类,其抗寒性最弱。


    Abstract: The annual cutting branches of 8Populusstrains were used to deal with 4 times of poikilothermic treatment ranging from -40 to 20℃in the early March 2016, the difference of germination rate after treatment was analyzed,it was concluded that the germination rate of each strain reached the maximum when treated 4 times. In March 2017, eightPopulus strains were treated with the same poikilothermic method on the cuttings of annual shoots, and the physiological and biochemical indexes of the cuttings were measuredThe indexes of 8 poplar strains were analyzed and evaluated by the correlation analysis, principal component analysis and membership function method to obtain the comprehensive index. According to the comprehensive index, the cold resistance of each strainwas ranked as below:P. pseudo-simonii>09-02-31>10-01-02>09-01-20>Liaohe× Zhong Sui 12> K99 >P. × deltoides‘Liaoyu3’>10-02-23. The 8 strains were divided into 3 categories by cluster analysis:P. pseudo-simonii and 09-02-31 as one class, their cold resistance was the strongest, while 10-01-02, 09-01-20, Liaohe×Zhong Sui 12, K99 and P. × deltoides‘Liaoyu3’ as another class, with stronger cold resistance,10-02-23 as separate classs, withthe weakest cold resistance.


