南俊科, 张健, 管健, 张宝艳, 邓玉侠, 林枫, 华杰, 孙守慧. 花布灯蛾的成灾原因分析及防治研究进展[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(5): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.019
引用本文: 南俊科, 张健, 管健, 张宝艳, 邓玉侠, 林枫, 华杰, 孙守慧. 花布灯蛾的成灾原因分析及防治研究进展[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2019, 39(5): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.019
NAN Jun-ke, ZHANG Jian, GUAN Jian, ZHANG Bao-yan, DENG Yu-xia, LIN Feng, HUA Jie, SUN Shou-hui. Reviews on Outbreak and Controlof Camptolomainteriorata[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(5): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.019
Citation: NAN Jun-ke, ZHANG Jian, GUAN Jian, ZHANG Bao-yan, DENG Yu-xia, LIN Feng, HUA Jie, SUN Shou-hui. Reviews on Outbreak and Controlof Camptolomainteriorata[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2019, 39(5): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2019.05.019


Reviews on Outbreak and Controlof Camptolomainteriorata

  • 摘要: 花布灯蛾Camptolomainteriorata是危害栎树Quercus sp.的一种重要食叶害虫,其具有很强的突发性和周期性特点。本文对其形态习性、发生危害特点、成灾原因、防治对策和主要防治措施进行了综述,对该虫的生物防治前景进行展望,提出进一步系统地研究花布灯蛾的天敌复合体,为该虫的防治提供新的思路和方法。研究结果表明:花布灯蛾在我国主要分布于东北、华南、北京、河北、河南、甘肃、山东、安徽和江苏等省区,主要危害蒙古栎Q.mongolica和辽东栎Q. wutaishanica,还取食麻栎Q. acutissima,栓皮栎Q. variabilis,槲栎Q. aliena,板栗Castaneamollissima等树木。花布灯蛾幼虫在早春上树蛀食林木的芽苞,使得林木不能正常发芽,秋季孵化后的幼虫群集取食栎树叶肉,残留表皮;花布灯蛾的发生与生态环境关系密切,常发生于丘陵山区,一般呈点块状,然后向周边林分扩散蔓延,同温度、立地条件、树种结构等因子有着密切的关系;花布灯蛾危害特点主要是发生速度快,虫口密度大,危害时间短,受害林分有虫株率可达70% ~ 80%,单株虫口数量也可达200 ~ 20 000头;花布灯蛾的防治措施包括营林栽植模式预防、物理防治、化学防治和生物防治;其中营林措施上推行乔灌混交、针阔混交的栽植模式;物理防治利用该虫形成虫苞群居越冬的特点,可以采用人工捡虫苞的方法,以及设置黑光灯和频振式杀虫灯诱杀成虫。


    Abstract: Camptolomainterioratais a defoliator damaging Quercustrees with characteristics of bursty and periodicity. Presentation was made on morphology and habit,occurrenceanddamage, disaster reason, and preventioncountermeasures of the pest , the prospect of biological control of this insect was prospected, and a further systematic study on the natural enemy complex was proposed to provide a new idea and method for the control of this pestOur results showed that:the pest mainly distributes in Northeast China, South China, Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Gansu, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, mainly harming Q. mongolica and Q.wutaishanica. It also feeds on Q. acutissima, Q. variabilis, Q. aliena, Castaneamollissima and other trees. The larvae eat the bud of trees in early spring, making the trees unable to germinate normally,after hatching in autumn, the larvae flock to feed on the leaf and residual epidermis of Quercus trees, the occurrence of C. interioratais closely related to the ecological environment. It often occurs in hilly and mountainous areas and generally presents a point block shape. Then, it spreads to the surrounding stands and has close relationship with temperature, site conditions, tree species structure and other factors.The main characteristics of the damage are rapid occurrence, large population density, short harm time, the strains rate in affected stands can be up to 70% ~ 80%, the number of pest populations inindividual tree can also be up to 200 ~ 20,000.The prevention measures include planting mode prevention, physical control, chemical control and biological control.Among them, the planting mode of mixed arbor-shrubs and mixed broadleaf-conifer are carried out on forestry measures. By using the characteristics of the formation of insect bracts live in groups over the winter, the method of picking up the insect bracts by hand could be usedin physical control and set up black light and frequency vibration lamp to kill the adult pest.


