王海蓉, 齐 明, 叶金俊, 何贵平. 杉木杂交组合内生长性状分离的机制探讨[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2020, 40(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2020.03.001
引用本文: 王海蓉, 齐 明, 叶金俊, 何贵平. 杉木杂交组合内生长性状分离的机制探讨[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2020, 40(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2020.03.001
WANG Hai-rong, QI Ming, YE Jin-jun, HE Gui-ping. Mechanism of Segregation of Growth Traits in Cunninghamia lanceolata Cross Combination[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2020, 40(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2020.03.001
Citation: WANG Hai-rong, QI Ming, YE Jin-jun, HE Gui-ping. Mechanism of Segregation of Growth Traits in Cunninghamia lanceolata Cross Combination[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2020, 40(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2020.03.001


Mechanism of Segregation of Growth Traits in Cunninghamia lanceolata Cross Combination

  • 摘要: 为研究杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata 杂交组合内子代生长性状分离的分子机制,以杉木杂种和亲本为研究对象,从基因表达水平揭示超亲杂种优于低亲杂种的形成分子机制,采用Illumina Hiseq 4000 高通量测序技术对不同生长势的杉木杂种(龙15×1339)的超高亲子代(HF1)和超低亲子代(LF2)及其亲本(龙15 和1339)进行无参转录组测序和差异比较。结果表明,所有样本经转录组测序共产生Clean reads 5.8E+08 条,总拼接长度为49 803 726nt,将Clean reads 在6 个数据库(Nr,Swiss-prot,KOG,KEGG,Pfam,GO)进行BLASTX 分析,比对结果产生80 171 个基因;杉木同一组合内的HF1 比LF2 的生产力高,是因为HF1 在不同的GO 和KEGG terms内和terms 间两个层面上的差异表达基因的分布处于不均匀、不平衡状态;HF1 的GO terms 和KEEG terms 的差异基因的分布不均匀、不平衡;LF2 GO terms 和KEEG terms 的差异基因的分布趋于均匀、平衡状态。利用分子生物学技术对育种群体展开遗传多样性研究,选择表达基因互补的亲本进行杂交组配,这样可以降低杂种间生长性状的分离,以达到收获期大体一致的目的,是一条可行的技术路线。


    Abstract: Using the latest second-generation Cunninghamia lanceolate hybrids (Long 15×1339), HF1(3 super-parent hybrids), LF2( 3 low-parent hybrids) and parents (P1 and P2),all sample groups were compared by transcriptome sequencing. The result demonstrated that in a total of 12 samples, 5.8E+08 Clean reads were generated by transcriptome sequencing, and the total length was 49 803 726nt. BLASTX analysis was performed on Clean reads in six databases (Nr, Swiss-prot, KOG, KEGG, Pfam, GO), through sequence alignment which resulted in 80 171 unigenes. Analysis indicated that the productivity of C.lanceolata hyhybrids associated to the following factors, growth of progenies in cross combination ssegregated, growth of HF1 faster than that of LF2, which was due to the uneven and unbalanced distribution of expression unigeneattwo-level: among GO and KEGG terms and within GO and KEGG terms. The differential genes of GO and KEEG terms in high parental generation were not evenly distributed and balanced; The distribution of the difference genes of GO terms and KEEG terms in the low parental generation tends to be uniform and balanced.


