卢金宝, 邵华亮, 马雪清, 曾春兴, 王坚娅, 应彬彬, 吴伟志. 浙江省东部和西部林木持久性和森林树种结构25年变化对比研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2021, 41(3): 39-45. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.03.005
引用本文: 卢金宝, 邵华亮, 马雪清, 曾春兴, 王坚娅, 应彬彬, 吴伟志. 浙江省东部和西部林木持久性和森林树种结构25年变化对比研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2021, 41(3): 39-45. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.03.005
LU Jin-bao, SHAO Hua-liang, MA Xue-qing, ZENG Chun-xing, WANG Jian-ya, YING Bin-bin, WU Wei-zhi. Changes of Tree Duration and Forest Tree Species Structure in the Eastern and Western Zhejiang Province during 1994 and 2019[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 41(3): 39-45. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.03.005
Citation: LU Jin-bao, SHAO Hua-liang, MA Xue-qing, ZENG Chun-xing, WANG Jian-ya, YING Bin-bin, WU Wei-zhi. Changes of Tree Duration and Forest Tree Species Structure in the Eastern and Western Zhejiang Province during 1994 and 2019[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 41(3): 39-45. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.03.005


Changes of Tree Duration and Forest Tree Species Structure in the Eastern and Western Zhejiang Province during 1994 and 2019

  • 摘要: 林木持久性是森林稳定程度的直观反映,森林树种结构是森林稳定性的综合体现。文章将浙江的森林林木分为松类、杉类、阔叶类3类,将1994—2019年按浙江省森林资源连续清查固定样地复查的调查时间分为1994—1999年(第一阶段)、1999—2004年(第二阶段)、2004—2009年(第三阶段)、2009—2014年(第四阶段)、2014—2019年(第五阶段)五个阶段,通过单位面积活立木的株数比例和林木存续期数学期望,定量分析对比浙江省东西部25年来森林结构与组成的变化情况,探索林木稳定及其变动的规律和原因,以期服务森林可持续发展。阔叶类林木的比例高,表明森林结构稳定;林木存续期数学期望高,表明林木的持久性强。研究结果表明,在浙江省东西部,3类林木的林木存续期数学期望均表现出“N”形现象,即随着时间的推移呈先增大后减小再稳定增加,且变化节点均在1999—2004年;东部的林木持久性在25年间强于西部的,但这种差距随着时间的推移在逐渐减小;无论东部还是西部,松类林木的林木持久性在3类林木中都是最低的,而阔叶类都是最高的;东西部的树种组成变化规律基本一致,即松类林木的比例逐年下降、杉类林木的比例在整体上变化不大、阔叶类林木的比例逐年增加;东部的阔叶类林木比例在前三个阶段低于西部,而后两个阶段略高于西部,单位面积株数均低于西部,但差距在缩小。整体上,浙江省东西部阔叶类林木的持久性均在不断增强,但东部强于西部,两地阔叶类林木的单位面积立木株数和相对比例在不断增加,森林趋于更稳定的状态,森林质量得到不断提升。


    Abstract: According to data of reexamination of permanent sample plots for continuous forest inventory during 1994 and 2019, quantitative analysiswas made on forest structure and composition in the eastern and western Zhejiang in terms of unit area number and ratio of standing trees, and themathematical expectation of tree duration (METD). The results showed that METD of the three tree species groups (pines, firs, and broadleaves) in both the eastern and western part had a "N"-shape, indicating increased first, then decreased and increased steadily. The turning points were at the first period (1999—2004). Tree duration in the eastern part was longer than that in the western part within 25 years. Whether in the eastern or the western part, trees duration of pines species was the lowest among the three groups, while broadleaves species was the highest. The tree species composition changes in the eastern and western part were similar, pine group declined, fir group had no change, and broadleaf group increased. The proportion of broadleaves species in the eastern part was lower than that in the western part in the first three periods (1994-2009), and slightly increased in the latter two periods (2009—2019). The unite area number of broadleaves trees in the eastern part was less than that in the western part. The result concluded that the duration of broadleaves species in the eastern and western part of Zhejiang province increased, more in the eastern part, unit area number and proposition of broadleaved tree increased, indicating more stable and better quality of forest.


