陈红星 , 曹兆平, 黄银德, 曹文旺, 杨俊鹏, 陈素贞. 榧树种实特大型品种(系)种实性状比较研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2021, 41(4): 1-9. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.04.001
引用本文: 陈红星 , 曹兆平, 黄银德, 曹文旺, 杨俊鹏, 陈素贞. 榧树种实特大型品种(系)种实性状比较研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2021, 41(4): 1-9. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.04.001
CHEN Hong-xing, CAO Zhao-ping, HUANG Yin-de, CAO Wen-wang, YANG Jun-peng, CHEN Su-zhen. Comparison on Extra Large Seed Traits of Cultivars and Strains of Torreya grandis[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 41(4): 1-9. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.04.001
Citation: CHEN Hong-xing, CAO Zhao-ping, HUANG Yin-de, CAO Wen-wang, YANG Jun-peng, CHEN Su-zhen. Comparison on Extra Large Seed Traits of Cultivars and Strains of Torreya grandis[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 41(4): 1-9. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2021.04.001


Comparison on Extra Large Seed Traits of Cultivars and Strains of Torreya grandis

  • 摘要: 为挖掘利用野生榧树Torreya grandis 中种实大小为特大型的种质资源,开展新品种和良种选育,以在浙江 省磐安县发现的‘磐大榧’(T. grandis ‘Pandafei’)‘玉山果榧’(T. grandis ‘Yushangguofei’)‘磐东榧’‘窈川大榧’ ‘大圆榧’(前 2 个已获得国家林草局植物新品种授权,后3 个为尚未认定的品系,其名称为暂定名)5 个种实特 大型品种(系)为研究对象,以‘细榧’T. grandis ‘Xifei’为对照,对不同品种(系)的种实样品,调查测定种实 质量、大小等数量性状指标及种仁脂肪、蛋白质、可溶性糖含量等营养品质指标,并对其进行比较研究。结果表 明,榧树种实特大型种质资源丰富,既有种实形状为长椭圆形的中熟、2 眼‘磐东榧’,中熟、多眼‘玉山果榧’, 晚熟、2 眼‘窈川大榧’,晚熟、多眼‘磐大榧’;也有种实形状为圆形、晚熟、2 眼的‘大圆榧’。这5 个品种(系) 及对照种实的鲜单实质量、鲜单核质量、鲜出核率等16 个数量性状指标间均存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。在种实 的各性状特征中,5 个品种(系)的鲜单实质量、鲜单核质量均明显比对照的大,分别为对照的2.0 ~ 2.3 倍、1.7 ~ 2.2 倍;除‘大圆榧’的种形指数和核形指数明显比对照的小,其余4 个长椭圆形的品种(系)的与对照的相近;‘玉 山果榧’‘磐大榧’和‘大圆榧’的种实鲜出核率均>30%,与对照的一样,属中等级,‘磐东榧’‘窈川大榧’的种 实鲜出核率均<30%,属低等级;‘磐大榧’的干核出仁率为67.03%,与对照的一样,属高等级,其余4 个品种 (系)的均<60%,属低等级。在种实性状变异方面,在全部所观测的16 个种实性状中,‘磐大榧’的种实有12 个性状的变异系数为最小,‘玉山果榧’的种实有9 个性状的变异系数为最大,‘大圆榧’的种实有5 个性状的变 异系数为最大。研究表明,‘磐大榧’的种实性状的均匀度最高,综合性状特征最好;‘磐东榧’的种仁脂肪含量 最高,品质最好,种仁品质较好的是‘窈川大榧’‘玉山果榧’和‘磐大榧’,‘大圆榧’的种仁脂肪含量最低、品 质最差。


    Abstract: In September of 2017, 2019 and 2020, fresh seeds were collected from extra large seed of Torreya grandis ‘Pandafei’, ‘Yushangguofei’, ‘Pandongfei’, ‘Yaochuandafei’, ‘Dayuanfei’ in Pan’an county, Zhejiang province. Determinations were carried out on 16 seed quantitative traits such as mass, size, etc., and content of oil, protein, soluble sugar, fatty acid composition of kernel, taking T.grandis ‘Xifei’ as control. The results demonstrated that seed morphology were different, long oval seed such as ‘Pandongfei’ with mid-maturation and 2 eyes, ‘Yushangguofei’ with mid-maturation andmore eyes, ‘Yaochuandafei’ with late-maturation and 2 eyes, ‘Pandafei’ with late-maturation and more eyes. There wereround seeds such as ‘Dayuanfei’ with late-maturation and 2 eyes. It had extremely evident differences of 16 seed traits among tested cultivars and control. Single fresh seed mass, single fresh nut mass of tested fine cultivars was 2-2.3 and 1.7-2.2 times larger than that of control. The mean shape index of seed and nut of ‘Dayuanfei’ was significantly smaller than that of control. Fruit-fresh seedratio of ‘Yushangguofei’, ‘Pandafei’ and ‘Dayuanfei’ was larger than 30%, middle level as that of control, while ‘Pandongfei’, ‘Yaochuandafei’ wasless than 30%, low level. Kernel-fruit ratio of ‘Pandafei’ was 67.03%, high level as that of control, the left 4 cultivars were less than 60%, low level. ‘Pandafei’ had 12 lowest coefficient of variation among total of 16 ones, while ‘Yushangguofei’ had 9 traits with maximum coefficient of variation, ‘Dayuanfei’ had 5 traits with maximum coefficient of variation. Comprehensive comparison on seed traits and kernel qualities concluded that ‘Pandafei’ had the highest uniformity in seed traits, ‘Pandongfei’ had the highest fat content of kernel.


