陈世通 , 吴连海, 王志坚, 颜福花, 杨先裕, 姚理武. 美国山核桃催芽、嫁接和圃地轮作育苗关键技术研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2022, 42(2): 32-39. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.02.006
引用本文: 陈世通 , 吴连海, 王志坚, 颜福花, 杨先裕, 姚理武. 美国山核桃催芽、嫁接和圃地轮作育苗关键技术研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2022, 42(2): 32-39. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.02.006
CHEN Shi-tong, WU Lian-hai, WANG Zhi-jian, YAN Fu-hua, YANG Xian-yu, YAO Li-wu. Technique of Pregermination, Grafting and Rotation in nursery for Seedling Cultivation of Carya illinoensis[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 42(2): 32-39. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.02.006
Citation: CHEN Shi-tong, WU Lian-hai, WANG Zhi-jian, YAN Fu-hua, YANG Xian-yu, YAO Li-wu. Technique of Pregermination, Grafting and Rotation in nursery for Seedling Cultivation of Carya illinoensis[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 42(2): 32-39. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.02.006


Technique of Pregermination, Grafting and Rotation in nursery for Seedling Cultivation of Carya illinoensis

  • 摘要: 分别采取GA3和清水浸种处理种子、与松木(马尾松Pinus massoniana 或湿地松P. elliottii)苗或稻Oryza sativa 轮作、不同嫁接时间与嫁接方法处理,开展美国山核桃Carya illinoensish 育苗关键技术研究。结果表明:(1)与 不浸种相比,用0.4 g·L-1 GA3 和清水浸种120 h 均能提高种子的发芽率和整齐度;用0.4 g·L-1 GA3 浸种较清水浸 种提前发芽约10 d,较不浸种提前约30 d;用0.4 g·L-1 GA3 浸种还对芽生长具有促进作用,有利于提早形成光合 能力;清水浸种对芽的生长没有促进作用。(2)与松木苗轮作和与稻轮作,两个轮作处理对应的1 年生美国山核 桃苗在苗高、地径和可嫁接苗(地径≥0.65 cm)比例都达到极显著差异(P<0.01)。(3)在丽水地区,秋季带木质 部芽接适宜时间为8 月15 日—9 月23 日,采用带枝芽接的嫁接苗成活率均达到90%以上,其中以9 月23 日嫁接的 嫁接苗成活率最高,达96.7%;春季用不同方法嫁接的嫁接成活率依次为:带木质部芽接>切接>劈接;嫁接时间以 3 月中旬以后较为适宜。(4)秋季嫁接苗木的剪砧方法以次年春季芽萌时,在接口上部2 cm 处一次性剪砧为好。


    Abstract: In February and March 2014, soaking with GA3 and water and followed by stratification of introduced Carya illinoensis seed for root stock were implemented in Lishui, Zhejiang province, taking no soaking as control. They were sowed in nurseries with previous Pinus massoniana, rice and P. elliottii seedling followed by one year fallow. Grafting test was carried out in March, August and September 2011 with scion of C. illinoensis ‘Mahan’. The result showed that it could promote germination and percentage and uniformity seed treated by soaking with 0.4 g/L of GA3 solution and water for 120 hours. Seeds soaked with 0.4 g/L of GA3 germinated 10 days earlier than that with water and 30 days than that of control. It had significant differences in 1-year height, ground diameter and the grafting ratio of 1-year seedlings between previous pine seedlings and rice. Bud grafting in autumn had 90% of survival rate. Grafting in spring (last ten-day of March) had survival rate by bud grafting > cut grafting > cleft grafting. Seedlings grafted in autumn would cut rootstock the next spring 2 cm up the connector.


