焦洁洁 , 盛卫星, 苏光浪, 徐永宏, 吴初平, 王志高, 姚良锦, 朱锦茹 , 江波, 李领寰. 杉木人工林珍贵化改造对林分生长量与物种多样性的影响[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2022, 42(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.03.001
引用本文: 焦洁洁 , 盛卫星, 苏光浪, 徐永宏, 吴初平, 王志高, 姚良锦, 朱锦茹 , 江波, 李领寰. 杉木人工林珍贵化改造对林分生长量与物种多样性的影响[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2022, 42(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.03.001
JIAO Jie-jie, SHENG Wei-xing, Su Guanglang, XU Yong-hong, WU Chu-ping, WANG Zhi-gao, YAO Liang-jin, ZHU Jin-ru, JIANG Bo, LI Ling-huan. Stand Increment and Diversity of Understory Species in Cunninghamia lanceolataPlantation Mixed with Different Rare Tree Species[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 42(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.03.001
Citation: JIAO Jie-jie, SHENG Wei-xing, Su Guanglang, XU Yong-hong, WU Chu-ping, WANG Zhi-gao, YAO Liang-jin, ZHU Jin-ru, JIANG Bo, LI Ling-huan. Stand Increment and Diversity of Understory Species in Cunninghamia lanceolataPlantation Mixed with Different Rare Tree Species[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 42(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.03.001


Stand Increment and Diversity of Understory Species in Cunninghamia lanceolataPlantation Mixed with Different Rare Tree Species

  • 摘要: 2016 年3 月,在建德市林业总场21 ~ 23 年生杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata 林下补植不同珍贵树种,2021 年10 月,选取5 种不同配置模式的杉木人工林珍贵化改造样地进行相关生长指标调查分析,并比较不同配置模式下的物种多样性。结果表明:杉木在各改造样地中的胸径、树高和冠幅生长量均高于纯林样地的;不同配置模式之间珍贵树种的生长量差异明显,其中,杉木+南方红豆杉Taxus chinensis var. mairei+浙江楠Phoebe chekiangensis+天竺桂Cinnamomum japonicum、杉木+楠木Phoebe zhennan 混交模式中各珍贵树种的平均胸径、平均树高和平均冠幅生长量均表现最大,两种混交模式中珍贵树种的平均胸径生长量分别为4.57 cm、3.79 cm,平均树高生长量分别为5.69m、3.82 m,平均冠幅生长量分别为2.14 m、2.08 m;南方红豆杉、天竺桂的干形质量最优,干形通直完满的林木株数占比为90% ~ 100%;不同配置模式林下物种多样性综合表现依次为(杉木-南方红豆杉-浙江楠-天竺葵)?(杉木-樟Cinnamomum camphora-浙江楠-紫楠Phoebe sheareri)?(杉木-红豆树Ormosia hosiei)?(杉木-浙江楠)?(杉木-楠木)?杉木纯林。以上结果表明,选择不同树种和配置模式均可促进杉木生长,但其培育效果不一样。如注重快速提高林分生产力可选择樟、天竺桂、楠木等生长较快的珍贵树种,如注重林下植被和地力恢复可选择浙江楠等多树种配置模式。另外,可通过定期间伐、抚育、整枝等调控措施,促进林木生长,提高经营效果。


    Abstract: In March 2016, several rare tree species were replanted in 21-23-year Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation, in Jiande Forest Farm ofZhejiang province. In October 2021, permanent sample plots of plantation with 5 different distribution patterns were established for determination ofstand increment. The result showed that DBH, tree height and crown width growth of C. lanceolata in the sample plots were higher than that in the control (pure C. lanceolata plantation). There were obvious differences in the growth of rare tree species among different distribution patterns. MeanDBH, mean height and crown diameter growth in sample plots of C. lanceolata-Taxus wllichiana var. mairei-Phoebe chekiangensis-C. japonicum, C.lanceolata-Phoebe zhennan had the largest value, 4.57 cm, 3.79 cm, 5.69 m, 3.82 m, 2.14 m and 2.08 m. T. wllichiana var. mairei and Cinnamomumjaponicum had the best stem form, with the rate of 90%-100%. Understory species diversity was ordered by stand of C. lanceolata-T. wallichiana var.mairei-Ph. chekiangensis-C. japonicum > stand of C. lanceolata-C. camphora-Ph. chekiangensis-Ph. sheareri > stand of C. lanceolata-Ormosiahosiei ? C. lanceolata-Ph. chekiangensis ? C. lanceolata-Ph. zhennan ? the control.


