

Dynamic Characteristics of Primary Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Wulingkeng Mountain, Zhejiang Province

  • 摘要: 为掌握原生常绿阔叶林的群落结构和物种多样性水平的动态特征,选择浙江五岭坑现存的原生常绿阔叶林 为研究对象,对1 个1 hm2 和4 个30 m×30 m 样方内胸径≥1 cm 树木2012—2017 年的死亡、补员和生长情况进 行统计分析。结果表明:(1)2012—2017 年,样地内胸径≥1 cm 的死亡树木共计1 277 株,隶属于93 个物种, 分别占样地个体总数和物种总数的12.21%和65.49%;新增胸径≥1 cm 的树木412 株,隶属于50 个物种,分别占 样地个体总数和物种总数的3.94%和35.92%;死亡植株个体数量与径阶之间存在极显著的指数负相关关系。(2) 年死亡率最高和最低的分别为海桐山矾Symplocos heishanensis(9.27%)和木荷Schima superba(0.52%);年补 员率最高的为三花冬青Ilex triflora(2.45%),没有补员的物种有7 个乔木树种;相较而言,灌木树种具有较高的 死亡率和较高的补员率。(3)胸径≥1 cm 的活立木的胸高断面积增长比例为4.59%,平均胸径增长0.55 cm;而 胸径≥5 cm 的活立木的胸高断面积增长比例为1.04%,平均胸径增长0.47 cm。以上结果说明,浙江五岭坑亚热带 原生常绿阔叶林群落个体死亡率较高,补员率较低,林下更新困难,林木生长缓慢,种群动态存在较大的种间差异。


    Abstract: In August 2012, 3 sample plots with area of 100 m×100 m were established in primary evergreen broad-leaved forest in Wulingkeng Mountain, Zhejiang province. Investigations were conducted on species, DBH, height, crown diameter, growth traits of woody plant with DBH ≥ 1 cm, and in 2017, the same investigation was carried out and with dead and new trees. The result demonstrated that 1 277 trees (up to 12.21% of the total ones) died from 2012 to 2017, belonged to 93 species and accounted for 65.49% of the total ones. There had 412 new trees with DBH ≥ 1 cm (3.94% of the total ones), belonged to 50 species (35.92% of the total ones). The number of dead trees had significant exponential negative relation with their diameter classes. The tree species with the highest annual mortality was Symplocos heishanensis (9.27%), while Schima superba had the lowest one (0.52%). The highest number of new tree was Ilex triflora (2.45%), and seven arbor species had no new trees during 2012 to 2017, while shrub had relative higher mortality and replacement rate than arbor species. The growth rate of the basal area of living wood with DBH ≥ 1 cm increased 4.59%, and the average DBH increased 0.55 cm. The growth rate of basal area of living wood with DBH ≥ 5 cm increased 1.04%, and the average DBH increased 0.47 cm. The results indicated that the subtropical primary evergreen broad-leaved forest had higher tree mortality and less new trees, meaning difficult understory regeneration and slow tree growth.


