
9 种引进栎属植物遗传多样性及亲缘关系的ISSR 分析

Genetic Diversities and Relationships of 9 Introduced Species/Cultivars of Quercus by ISSR Molecular Markers

  • 摘要: 为有效利用栎属Quercus 植物,以‘针栎’Q. palustris‘Pin Oak’、‘猩红橡木’Q. coocinea‘Scarlet Oak’、 ‘太平洋光辉’Q. palustris‘Pacific Brilliance’、‘沼泽白橡木’Q. icolor‘Swamp White Oak’、‘北方红橡’Q. rubra ‘Red Oak’、‘绿柱’Q. palustris‘Green pillar’、柳叶栎Q. phellos 和2 种娜塔栎Q. nuttallii 种质(红叶娜塔栎和 绿叶娜塔栎) 9 种国外引进的栎属植物为研究对象,利用ISSR 分子标记对其遗传多样性和亲缘关系进行分析和 UPGMA 聚类。结果表明,在所选26 条引物中筛选出23 条多态性ISSR 引物;利用多态性ISSR 引物对9 种栎属 植物进行PCR 扩增,共获得298 条多态性条带,其多态性条带比例达93.42%,表明这9 种栎属植物的遗传多样 性较为丰富;9 种栎属植物之间的遗传相似系数为0.485 9 ~ 0.764 9。UPGMA 聚类结果表明,9 种栎属植物之间 具有不同程度的相对亲缘关系,在遗传相似系数0.650 处,9 种栎属植物可聚为3 类,其中3 个沼生栎品种(‘绿 柱’‘太平洋光辉’和‘针栎’)和2 种娜塔栎种质(红叶娜塔栎和绿叶娜塔栎)被归为第一类,柳叶栎、‘猩 红橡木’以及‘北方红橡’被归为第二类,而‘沼泽白橡木’单独归为第三类,在第一类中,‘绿柱’和‘太平 洋光辉’的亲缘关系最近,与其属于同一个种的分类特征一致,‘沼泽白橡木’与其他8 个种(品种)间的相对 亲缘关系最远。以上研究结果可为栎属植物的培育和开发利用提供参考。


    Abstract: In October 2017, Quercus palustris ‘Pin Oak’, Q. coocinea ‘Scarlet Oak’, Q. palustris ‘Pacific Brilliance’, Q. icolor ‘Swamp White Oak’, Q. rubra ‘Red Oak’, Q. palustris ‘Green Pillar’ were introduced from Haining, Zhejiang province, and in November 2017, 5-year seedlings of Q. phellos and two Q. nuttallii germplasms (red leaves and green leaves) were introduced from Changsha, Hunan province, Ningbo, Zhejiang province. In May 2018, leaves of above introduced plants were collected for genomic DNA extract. Genetic diversities, genetic relationships were analyzed by UPGMA dendrogram and ISSR molecular markers. The results showed that 23 polymorphic primers were selected from 26 ones for ISSR, and 298 polymorphic bands accounting for 93.42% of the total bands were obtained by PCR amplification. The genetic similarity coefficients of species and cultivars of Quercus varied from 0.485 9 to 0.764 9. UPGMA dendrogram showed that there were different genetic relations among tested species and cultivars. They could be divided into 3 groups at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.650, among which Q. palustris ‘Green pillar’, Q. palustris ‘Pacific Brilliance’ and Q. palustris ‘Pin Oak’ and two Q. nuttallii germplasm were in Group I, Q. phellos, Q. coocinea ‘Scarlet Oak’ and Q. rubra ‘Red Oak’ were in group II, while Q. icolor ‘Swamp White Oak’ in group III. The relationship between Q. palustris ‘Green pillar’ and Q. palustris ‘Pacific Brilliance’ was the closest, because of the same species, while the relationships between Q. icolor ‘Swamp White Oak’ and the other 8 species/culitvars were the farthest.


