

Resources Characteristic of Ancient and Famous Trees in Tiantai County

  • 摘要: 根据天台县2017 年古树名木普查数据,分析该县古树名木资源特征。结果表明,天台县古树名木数量多且 种类丰富,共有古树名木7 139 株,隶属于43 科81 属118 种;古树名木以乡土树种为主,其中云锦杜鹃Rhododendron fortunei 的数量最多,有2 214 株,占全县古树名木总株数的31.10%;古树名木以群生为主,共有43 个古树群, 群生古树共有5 835 株,占全县古树名木总株数的81.73%;全县15 个乡(镇、街道)均有古树名木分布,其中 以石梁镇的数量最多,有4 515 株,占全县古树名木总株数的63.24%;古树树龄总体呈“金字塔”形分布,其中, 一级古树占3.68%,二级古树占7.89%,三级古树占88.43%。对古树名木树龄特征与形态特征指标之间的相关性 分析结果表明,树龄与树高、胸径、冠幅均呈正相关,其中以胸径与树龄的相关性最高。天台县古树名木生长状 况总体良好,但存在2.91%的衰弱古树和1.25%的濒危古树。针对这一现状,提出了加强科普宣传、加大资金投 入、培养专业人才、健全法律制度等保护和修复建议。


    Abstract: According to the investigation result of ancient and famous trees in 2017, resource characteristic was analyzed in Tiantai county. The results showed that there were 7 139 ancient and famous trees belonging to 118 species of 81 genera and 43 families. Most of them were indigenous species. There were 2 214 Rhododendron fortune trees, occupied the most, accounting for 31.10% of the total ones. There were 5 835 ancient trees in 43 groups, accounting for 81.73% of the total ones. Ancient trees under first-class protection account for 3.68%, under second-class 7.89%, under third-class 88.43% of the total ones. Correlation analysis between ancient tree age and morphological characteristics showed that tree age had positive relation with tree height, DBH and crown width, especially with DBH and age. The growth of most ancient and famous trees grow well in Tiantai county, there were about 1.25% of them endangered.


