

Effect of Non-agricultural Employment on Farmer’ Willingness to Ecological Compensation

  • 摘要: 基于钱江源国家公园体制试点区域内2020 年浙江省开化县13 个村共263 户农户的问卷调查数据,运用计 量经济方法研究非农就业对农户生态补偿受偿意愿的影响。结果表明:(1)国家公园体制试点内农户生态补偿受 偿意愿存在差异,现金补偿意愿高于实物补偿意愿。(2)国家公园体制试点内非农就业对农户生态补偿受偿意愿 影响显著,非农就业稳定性和非农就业收入的提高能够提高农户选择现金补偿的意愿并降低生态补偿期望标准, 非农就业时间占比增加会提高生态补偿受偿期望标准。基于以上结论,提出了为自然保护地内农户拓宽非农就业 渠道,降低农户对生态补偿政策的依赖;整合生态补偿财政资金,拓宽生态补偿筹措渠道,提高生态补偿标准; 探索建立生态产品价值实现机制,拓展农户生态补偿来源等建议。


    Abstract: Based on the questionnaire survey data of 263 farmer households in 13 villages in Qianjiangyuan National Park of Kaihua county, Zhejiang province in 2019, studies were made on effect of nonagricultural employment on farmers’ willingness to ecological compensation. The result showed that farmer’ willingness to ecological compensation was different, they preferred cash compensation to material compensation. Nonagricultural employment had significant impact on farmers’ willingness to ecological compensation. The stability of nonagricultural employment and the increase of employment income could increase farmers’ willingness to choose cash compensation and lower their expectation, and the nonagricultural employment time of household would increase their expectation for ecological compensation. Recommendations were put forwarded like more nonagricultural employment opportunities to reduce farmers’ expectation on the ecological compensation, different financial supports from governments to improve ecological compensation standards, and market mechanism for local ecological products .


