Notes on the Seed Plant in Zhejiang(ⅩⅦ)
摘要: 研究了浙江曾报道的华南木姜子Litsea greenmaniana C. K. Allen 和莓叶报春Primula rubifolia C. M. Hu,确 认它们分别是广东山胡椒Lindera kwangtungensis (H. Liu) C. K. Allen 和鄂报春Primula obconica Hance 的误定。考 证了东南悬钩子Rubus tsangiorum Hand.-Mazz.和Rubus hatsushimae Koidz.的发表时的原白和模式标本,同意将前 者作为后者的同物异名。Abstract: Litsea greenmaniana and Primula rubifolia reported in Zhejiang were confirmed to be the mis-identification of Lindera kwangtungensis and P. obconica. The protologue and type specimens of Rubus tsangiorum and R. hatsushimae were compared, and the former was supported as the synonym of the latter.