
甘肃小陇山国家级自然保护区5 种木本植物新记录

Five New Distribution Records of Woody Plant in Xiaolongshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province

  • 摘要: 报道了甘肃小陇山国家级自然保护区5个木本植物分布新记录种:小花花椒Zanthoxylum micranthum Hemsl.、紫花络石Trachelospermum axillare Hook. f.、曼青冈Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon (Miq.) Oerst.、旱榆Ulmus glaucescens Franch.和波叶海桐Pittosporum undulatifolium Hung T. Chang et S. Z. Yan,其中小花花椒也是甘肃省植物分布新记录。这些物种的发现,对于研究甘肃小陇山国家级自然保护区植物多样性和甘肃乃至秦岭植物区系具有重要意义。新记录凭证标本存放于陇南师范高等专科学校植物标本室。


    Abstract: During May 2018 and February 2022, investigations were made on plant diversity in Xiaolongshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu province. Five species of woody plants were found new distribution in the Reserve, namely Zanthoxylum micranthum Hemsl., Trachelospermum axillare Hook.f., Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon (Miq) Oerst, Ulmus glaucescens Franch, Pittosporum undulatifolium Hung T. Chang et S. Z.Yan, among them, Z. micranthum was new distribution record in Gansu province. The voucher specimen were deposited in the herbarium of Longnan Teachers College.


