
中国天蛾科3 个新记录种记述(鳞翅目:天蛾科)

New Species Records of Sphingidae from China

  • 摘要: 报道了产于西藏东南部、云南南部、广东、广西和海南的中国天蛾3 个新记录种——天蛾亚科Sphinginae 的不丹松天蛾Sphinx bhutana Brechlin, 2015,越中松天蛾Sphinx centrovietnama Brechlin, 2015;长喙天蛾亚科 Macroglossinae 的维长喙天蛾中南亚种Macroglossum vicinum piepersi Dupont, 1941。文中记述的所有种均附简要 描述与分类特征图片。


    Abstract: During 2020 and 2021, investigations were made on hawkmoth in Tibet Autonomous Region, South Yunnan province, Guangdong province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Based on study of specimen in different universities, 3 species, namely Sphinx bhutana Brechlin, S. centrovietnama of Sphinginae, and Macroglossum vicinum piepersi Dupont of Macroglossinae were found new distribution in China.


