
樟子松深根苗根系Logistic 生长模型的构建与应用

Construction and Application of Logistic Model for Root Growth of Long-root Seedling of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica

  • 摘要: 林木超深栽造林技术能够有效提高干旱沙地的造林成效,其中,深根苗快速培育技术是其核心和关键技术 之一。了解深根苗根系生长规律,是进一步利用有效栽培措施,加快深根苗根系垂直生长速度,缩短其育苗周期 的前提。本研究以3 年生樟子松Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 为研究对象,利用20 cm、40 cm、60 cm、80 cm、 100 cm 5 种长度导根筒培育深根苗,通过对其根系长出导根筒时间的调查,构建Logistic 生长模型,分析总结其 根系的垂直生长规律。结果显示:(1)樟子松深根苗根系垂直生长符合“慢-快-慢”的特点,其中,根系从移栽 至导根筒到生长至20 cm,生长速度最为缓慢,仅为0.17 cm·d-1,根系由20 cm 生长到40 cm,生长速度最快,达 到3.4 cm·d-1,之后生长速度逐渐降低;(2)以根系垂直长度为因变量,以生长天数为自变量,构建了樟子松深 根苗根系垂直生长Logistic 生长模型,其决定系数R2=0.958 2,说明模型拟合良好;(3)利用构建的生长模型, 将其根系垂直生长划分为4 个阶段——渐增期(0 ~ 25 d)、速生期(26 ~ 46 d)、缓增期(47 ~ 67 d)和渐停期 (68 d 之后)。


    Abstract: In May 2017, 3-year container Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings were transplanted in root-guiding tubes with length of 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 100 cm, and observation and determination was made on root growth out of tube. The results showed that the vertical root growth of tested seedlings had characteristic of slow-fast-slow. The slowest was from transplantation to 20 cm, the fastest was from 20 cm to 40 cm, and then the growth rate gradually decreased. Taking root vertical length as the dependent variable and growth days as the variable, the Logistic model for root vertical growth of P. sylvestris var. mongolica was established, with the determinant coefficient was 0.958 2, indicating that the model fit well. Based on this model, the growth of vertical root was divided into four stages: the gradual growth period of 0-25 days, the rapid growth period of 26-46 days, the slow growth period of 47-67 days and the gradual stop period of 68 days later.


