

On Construction of Bamboo Forest Road in Anji County, Zhejiang Province

  • 摘要: 以浙江省安吉县为例,针对新时期对竹林区道路功能多样化的新需求以及生态环境保护的高要求,分析了 安吉县竹林区道路建设现状:安吉县竹林区道路建设和管理共经历了自发建设、鼓励建设、改造提升、高标准建 设4 个发展阶段;通过近20 年(2003—2021 年)的建设和发展,截至2021 年底,安吉县竹林区道路总里程发展 到1 899.6 km,其中,路面硬化里程为294.77 km,硬化率为15.52%,安吉县竹林区道路平均密度为33.2 m·hm-2, 竹林区道路的建设在提高生产效率、降低劳动强度、提升竹林经营水平以及林业一二三产业融合发展等方面都发 挥了巨大作用。指出了安吉县竹林区道路建设存在的问题:缺乏科学的规划设计,建设标准低且安全隐患较大, 建设和养护资金不足,滞后于新时期林业发展新需求等。提出了按照建立竹林区道路建设评价机制,加强规划设 计和规范化建设,持续并加大高标准林区道路建设扶持政策,科学评估水毁林区道路并予以分类施策,加快竹材 运输机械的研究,探索开展竹林区道路灾害保险的竹林区道路建设的对策与建议。


    Abstract: Road construction and management in bamboo forest area of Anji county, Zhejiang province had four development stages, including spontaneous construction, encouraged construction, transformation and upgrading, high standard construction. By the end of 2021, the total length of roads in bamboo forest area of Anji county had 1899.6 km, of which, hardened road 294.77 km, 15.52% of the total one. The average density of roads was 33.2 m/ha. The roads in bamboo forest area played a great role in improving production efficiency, reducing labor intensity, improving the management level of bamboo forest and the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary of bamboo industries. Challenges of road construction in bamboo forest area were put forwarded, such as scientific planning and design, construction standards and potential safety hazards, funds for construction and maintenance, etc. The countermeasures and suggestions were recommended like establishing the evaluation mechanism of road construction, strengthening the planning and design and standardized construction, continuing and increasing support for forest road, scientifically evaluating damaged roads and classifying, researching bamboo transportation machinery, and developing insurance in bamboo forest area.


