吴网君, 王进, 聂玉静, 于海霞, 徐秋娟, 庄晓伟. 浙江武义天然林与人工林南方红豆杉木材理化性质研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2022, 42(6): 40-47. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.06.007
引用本文: 吴网君, 王进, 聂玉静, 于海霞, 徐秋娟, 庄晓伟. 浙江武义天然林与人工林南方红豆杉木材理化性质研究[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2022, 42(6): 40-47. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.06.007
WU Wang-jun, WANG Jin, NIE Yu-jing, YU Hai-xia, XU Qiu-juan, ZHUANG Xiao-wei. Wood Physical and Chemical Properties of Natural and Planted Taxus wallichina var. mairei Forest in Wuyi County of Zhejiang Province[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 42(6): 40-47. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.06.007
Citation: WU Wang-jun, WANG Jin, NIE Yu-jing, YU Hai-xia, XU Qiu-juan, ZHUANG Xiao-wei. Wood Physical and Chemical Properties of Natural and Planted Taxus wallichina var. mairei Forest in Wuyi County of Zhejiang Province[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 42(6): 40-47. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.06.007


Wood Physical and Chemical Properties of Natural and Planted Taxus wallichina var. mairei Forest in Wuyi County of Zhejiang Province

  • 摘要: 对浙江省武义县南方红豆杉Taxus wallichiana var. mairei 天然林木材(树龄200 a)与人工林木材(树龄10 a)的密度、干缩性、湿胀性、抗弯性、硬度和化学组分等进行测定与分析。结果表明,南方红豆杉天然林与人工 林木材在含水率为12%时的气干密度分别为0.656 g ·cm-3 和0.654 g ·cm-3,绝干密度分别为0.599 g·cm-3 和0.586 g·cm-3,天然林木材密度略高于人工林,但二者差异不显著(P>0.05);天然林和人工林木材的气干体积干缩率 分别为4.805%和4.837%,天然林木材的尺寸稳定性稍优于人工林,但二者差异不显著(P>0.05);天然林木材 和人工林木材从气干到湿材体积湿胀率分别为3.945%和3.279%,天然林木材较人工林木材湿胀特征更明显;天 然林木材与人工林木材的抗弯强度分别为97.36 MPa 和63.41 MPa,抗弯弹性模量分别为9 292.02 MPa 和4 489.57 MPa,天然林木材的抗弯性较人工林木材高,这与试样木材树龄差距较大有关;天然林木材端面、径面和弦面硬 度分别为3 044 N、2 516 N 和2 806 N,相较于人工林木材,两者径面硬度接近,端面、弦面硬度均比天然林木材 明显偏高,原因为试样木材树龄差距较大;天然林木材的木质素、综纤维素和聚戊糖含量分别为27.02%、75.33% 和8.88%,其木质化程度较人工林木材高;而其冷热水抽提物与灰分含量分别为4.84%、8.36%和0.29%,因其树 龄大,其富含的各类有机抽提物与无机矿物含量均比人工林木材的高。以上结果说明,发展南方红豆杉人工林可 以得到与天然林质量相当的木材,且人工林木材产量方面更有优势。


    Abstract: Determinations were implemented on density, shrinkage, swelling, bending strength, modulus of elasticity, hardness and chemical composition of natural (200-year) and planted (10-year) Taxus wallichiana var. mairei wood from Wuyi county of Zhejiang province. The results showed that under wood moisture content of 12%, the air-dried densities of natural forest and plantation wood were 0.656 g/cm3 and 0.654 g/cm3, and the oven-dried densities were 0.599 g/cm3 and 0.586 g/cm3, without significant difference (P>0.05). The wood shrinkage of natural and planted forest was 4.805% and 4.837%. The wood dimensional stability of natural forest was slightly better than that of planted forest, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The swelling of wood from natural and planted forest was 3.945% and 3.279%. The bending strength of natural and planted forest was 97.36 MPa and 63.41 MPa, the modulus of elasticity was 9 292.02 MPa and 4 489.57 MPa, with significant difference. The reason was perhaps related to the tree age. The wood end surface, radial and tangential hardness of natural forest was 3 044 N, 2 516 N and 2 806 N, and was significant higher that of plantation, except radial hardness, perhaps it caused by age. The contents of lignin, holocellulose and pentose in natural forest wood were 27.02%, 75.33% and 8.88%, because that the lignification degree of natural forest wood is higher than that of plantation. The contents of cold and hot water extractives and ash were 4.84%, 8.36% and 0.29%, higher than that in plantation wood because of the organic extracts and inorganic minerals.


