余久华, 胡伟云, 廖丽华, 夏瑞满, 吴永丰, 徐选美, 吴聪连, 陈奕浪. 庆元县1985—2017 年森林资源动态变化及成因分析[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2023, 43(2): 53-58. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.02.009
引用本文: 余久华, 胡伟云, 廖丽华, 夏瑞满, 吴永丰, 徐选美, 吴聪连, 陈奕浪. 庆元县1985—2017 年森林资源动态变化及成因分析[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2023, 43(2): 53-58. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.02.009
YU Jiu-hua, HU Wei-yun, LIAO Li-hua, XIA Rui-man, WU Yong-feng, XU Xuan-mei, WU Cong-lian, CHEN Yi-lang. Analysis on Dynamic Changes and Causes of Forest Resources in Qingyuan County from 1985 to 2017[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2023, 43(2): 53-58. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.02.009
Citation: YU Jiu-hua, HU Wei-yun, LIAO Li-hua, XIA Rui-man, WU Yong-feng, XU Xuan-mei, WU Cong-lian, CHEN Yi-lang. Analysis on Dynamic Changes and Causes of Forest Resources in Qingyuan County from 1985 to 2017[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2023, 43(2): 53-58. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.02.009

庆元县1985—2017 年森林资源动态变化及成因分析

Analysis on Dynamic Changes and Causes of Forest Resources in Qingyuan County from 1985 to 2017

  • 摘要: 根据1985—2017 年5 次森林资源二类调查监测数据,结合县域生态、经济和社会条件,对庆元县33 年间 的森林资源动态变化和成因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)林地面积先降后增,森林、乔木林地面积总体持续增加, 森林覆盖率先缓慢上升后快速上升,至2017 年达到86.06%;竹林面积和立竹量持续增加。(2)活立木、乔木林 蓄积量和乔木林单位面积蓄积量以1997 年为界,先剧烈下降后快速增加。(3)乔木林幼龄林蓄积量持续增加, 近、成、过熟林蓄积量以1997 年为界先降后增,龄组结构趋于优化;人工林面积、蓄积量及占比持续增加,天然 林蓄积量以1997 年为界先降后增,两者面积和蓄积量占比趋于一致。总体来看,受20 世纪90 年代“木材经济” “香菇经济”发展的双重影响,森林资源剧烈下降,而人工造林有效促进了森林资源恢复。目前,县域森林面积、 森林覆盖率指标基本已达极限,而单位面积蓄积量有继续提升的空间。因此,要正确处理森林资源“量”与“质” 的关系,进行统筹规划,加强保护,合理利用,才能达到森林资源可持续发展的目的。


    Abstract: Based on five forest management inventory data of Qingyuan county, Zhejiang province from 1985 to 2017, dynamic changes and causes of forest resources were analyzed combined with ecological, economic and social conditions. The results showed that the area of forest land decreased before 1989, and then increased, the area of forest and arbor continued to increase, while forest coverage first rose slowly and then rapidly, reaching 86.06% in 2017. The area of bamboo forest and the number of standing culm continued to increase. The total growing stock, arbor and unit area arbor growing stock decreased sharply before 1997 and then increased rapidly. The growing stock of young arbor forest continued to increase, that of near-mature, mature and over-mature arbor forest decreased before 1997 and then increased. The area and growing stock of artificial arbor forest and their ratio continued to increase, while growing stock natural forest decreased before 1997 and then increased. The proportion of area and growing stock of both forest tended to be the same. Analysis on causes of the changes demonstrated that “wood economy” and “mushroom economy” in the 1990s had great influence on the decrease of forest resources, while afforestation had effectively promoted the recovery of forest resources.


