柳丽娜, 张建华, 苏兰, 唐辉, 桂祖云, 余礼华, 李雪涛. 安吉县毛竹林下食用菌栽培产业发展现状与对策[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2023, 43(3): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.03.017
引用本文: 柳丽娜, 张建华, 苏兰, 唐辉, 桂祖云, 余礼华, 李雪涛. 安吉县毛竹林下食用菌栽培产业发展现状与对策[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2023, 43(3): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.03.017
LIU Li-na, ZHANG Jian-hua, SU Lan, TANG Hui, GUI Zu-yun, YU Li-hua, LI Xue-tao. Current Situation and Countermeasures for Interplanting Edible Fungus under Phyllostachys edulis Stands in Anji County[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2023, 43(3): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.03.017
Citation: LIU Li-na, ZHANG Jian-hua, SU Lan, TANG Hui, GUI Zu-yun, YU Li-hua, LI Xue-tao. Current Situation and Countermeasures for Interplanting Edible Fungus under Phyllostachys edulis Stands in Anji County[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2023, 43(3): 122-126. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2023.03.017


Current Situation and Countermeasures for Interplanting Edible Fungus under Phyllostachys edulis Stands in Anji County

  • 摘要: 为了解安吉县毛竹Phyllostachysedulis林下食用菌栽培产业发展现状,采用入户调查和样地调查相结合的方式对安吉县毛竹林下食用菌栽培产业进行调查。结果表明,截至2021年底,已累计发展毛竹林下食用菌栽培面积19.24hm2;毛竹林下食用菌栽培经营主体分别有家庭林场(农场)2家、毛竹专业合作社14家、企业3家,共计19家;食用菌种类由一个食用菌种竹荪Dictyophoraindusiata发展到大球盖菇Strophariarugosoannulata、黑皮鸡枞菌Oudemansiellaraphanipes、灵芝GanodermaLucidum、猴头菇Hericiumerinaceus、羊肚菌Morchellaesculenta等多个食用菌种共同发展;竹荪可产954.63kg·hm-2·a-1,按干竹荪500元·kg-1计算,经济效益可达47.73万元·hm-2·a-1,大球盖菇可产19625kg·hm-2·a-1,经济效益可达23.55万元·hm-2·a-1。分析了安吉毛竹林下食用菌栽培产业发展的有利条件,包括食用菌传统经营方式遭遇瓶颈、毛竹林资源丰富、政府扶持林下经济力度大、林下经济发展观念逐渐深入、林下食用菌栽培技术成熟、安吉旅游产业的快速发展等,但也存在基层技术人员少、投入成本大、销售困难等问题;提出了加强专业人才的培养、新技术推广和政策扶持、创新食用菌深加工产业发展、结合安吉特色打造自然健康的食用菌品牌等建议。


    Abstract: In May 2022, household investigations were made on farmers and bases of interplanting edible fungus under Phyllostachys edulis stands in Anji county, Zhejiang province. The result showed that there were 2 family farms, 14 bamboo cooperatives and 3 enterprises engaged. The species of edible fungi had Dictyophora indussiata, Stropharia rugosoannulata , Oudemansiella raphanipes, Ganoderma lucidum, Hericium erinaceus , Morchella esculenta and so on. Typical sample plots demonstrated that the yield of D. indussiata was 954.63 kg/ha, about RMB 477 300 yuan/ha. The yield of St. rugosoannulata was 19 625 kg/ha, about RMB 235 500 yuan/ha. Analysis were made on advantages of interplanting edible fungus under Ph. edulis stands in Anji such as challenges of traditional cultivation of edible fungus, rich resources of bamboo forest, strong support from government, higher social conscious of under-forestry economy, understorey cultivation technique and rapid development of tourism. However, there are challenges like of technicians, inputs and sales. Suggestions were put forwarded such as training, extension, support, deep processing of edible fungus and establishing brand of Anji county.


