

Yield and Quality of Different Aged Rhizome of Polygonatum cyrtonema under Different Forest with Different Crown Density

  • 摘要: 目的:系统分析露天和不同林分栽培的多花黄精产量特征、活性成分含量和抗氧化特征,为不同栽培模式下黄精的区分应用提供参考。方法:以多花黄精新品种‘丽精1号’Polygonatum cyrtonema ‘Lijing No. 1’为实验材料,在浙江省松阳县和景宁县两地,选择土壤类型和肥力水平相近的山田地栽培,郁闭度不同的毛竹林、杉木林、香榧林套作栽培。在相同的栽培管理条件下,测量不同栽培处理多花黄精根茎的表型和产量特征;测定不同处理材料的浸出物、多糖、总皂苷、总酚、总黄酮含量;应用DPPH法、ABTS法和FRAP法测定不同处理材料的体外抗氧化活性。结果:郁闭度是影响多花黄精产量的关键因素,本研究中当郁闭度为50%时,林下栽培4年生多花黄精单株干质量可超过100 g,其产量与露天栽培组无显著差异;郁闭度70%林分栽培的多花黄精产量较露天栽培组显著下降。多花黄精栽培第4年增产显著,不同栽培条件下4年生较3年生组根茎同比增产达150%以上。在露天和低郁闭度(50%)下栽培的多花黄精根茎浸出物和多糖含量均显著升高;高郁闭度(≥70%)下栽培的多花黄精根茎总皂苷、总酚和总黄酮含量相对较高,同时抗氧化能力显著升高。结论:在同等肥力和种源前提下,郁闭度对黄精产量和品质影响最为显著,低郁闭度(50%)栽培的黄精产量与露天栽培无显著差异,多糖和浸出物积累充足;高郁闭度(≥70%)栽培的黄精产量显著下降,但其所产药材总皂苷、总黄酮和总酚含量相对升高,同时抗氧化活性也显著升高。建议以实际生产中林分郁闭度情况作为黄精区分应用的重要参考。


    Abstract: In November 2018 and 2019, rhizomes of Polygonatum cyrtonema ‘Lijing No. 1’ were planted open air, under different canopy density of Phyllostachys edulis forest, Cunninghamia lanceolata stand and Torreya grandis ‘Merrillii’ seedling stand with similar site condition in Songyang and Jingning, Zhejiang province. In November 2022, rhizomes were harvested for determination of phenotypes and yield. The polysaccharides, saponins, phenols and flavonoids were measured, and antioxidant activities were assessed by DPPH, ABTS and FRAP. The result demonstrated that crown density was the most important factor affecting the yield of rhizome. The dry weight of single 4-year plant under forest with 50% of crown density could reached 100 g, which had no significant difference of that in open-air ones. The yield of P. cyrtonema cultivated under forest with 50% of crown density decreased significantly compared with that in open-air ones. The yield of 4-year P. cyrtonema under different cultivation site increased 150% more than that of 3-year ones. The contents of extract and polysaccharide from P. cyrtonema cultivated under forest with lower than 50% of crown density and open air increased significantly. The contents of total saponins, total phenols and total flavonoids from P. cyrtonema cultivated forest with more than 70% of crown density were higher, and the antioxidant capacity was significantly increased.


