

Identification and Evaluation of Waterlogging Tolerance of 43 Clematis varieties

  • 摘要:
    目的 耐涝性是铁线莲园林应用的关键因素,耐涝性鉴定对铁线莲引种驯化和抗逆性育种具有重要意义。
    方法 通过分析43个铁线莲园艺品种涝渍胁迫后的表型,将叶片形态、叶片颜色、茎秆形态、茎秆颜色4个表型指标定性分级,结合相对电导率、相对含水量、叶绿素含量等生理指标,采用主成分分析和聚类分析法,综合评价其耐涝性。
    结果 涝渍胁迫后铁线莲叶片相对含水量、叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量降低,相对电导率增加;叶片含水量、叶色、叶形态、茎色、茎形态均与相对电导率显著相关,耐涝性综合评分与相对电导率、叶色、叶形态、茎色、茎形态显著相关;聚类分析将43个铁线莲品种分为耐涝型、中间型、不耐涝型、极不耐涝型,分别有2个、16个、6个和19个。
    结论 初步明确43个铁线莲品种耐涝性分级的特征,为铁线莲耐涝性鉴定提供参考。


    Abstract: Waterlogging tolerance was the key to Clematis application, and identification of waterlogging tolerance was important for introduction and domestication of Clematis and stress resistance breeding. In this study, the phenotype of 43 Clematis horticultural varieties after waterlogging stress was analyzed, and four appearance morphological indexes (leaf color, leaf shape, stem color and stem shape) were qualitatively graded. Combined with the physiological indexes of relative conductivity, relative water content and chlorophyll content, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used to comprehensively evaluate their waterlogging tolerance. The results showed that the relative water content, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of Clematis leaves decreased after waterlogging stress, while the relative conductivity increased. Leaf water content, leaf color, leaf shape, stem color and stem shape were significantly correlated with electrical conductivity, and the total evaluation score of waterlogging tolerance was significantly correlated with electrical conductivity, leaf color, leaf shape, stem color and stem shape. Forty-three Clematis horticultural varieties were classified into waterlogging tolerant types, intermediate types, intolerant types and extremely intolerant types by cluster analysis, including 2 waterlogging tolerant types, 16 intermediate types, 6 waterlogging intolerant varieties and 19 extremely intolerant Clematis. The characteristics of waterlogging tolerance classification of 43 Clematis avarieties were preliminatively identified. An evaluation system of Clematis waterlogging tolerance was initially established to provide reference for identification of Clematis waterlogging tolerance.


