

Dynamic Analysis of Calcium and Oxalic Acid Content in Different Varieties of Chenopodium quinoa Leaves During Growth Period

  • 摘要:
    目的 为了探明藜麦 Chenopodium quinoa 等藜属 Chenopodium 植物叶片中钙和草酸的含量,为藜麦菜的科学食用提供技术参考。
    方法 以浙江省主要栽培的‘陇藜1号’Ch. Quinoa‘Longli 1’‘青藜4号’Ch. Quinoa ‘Qingli 4’‘冀藜2号’Ch. Quinoa ‘Jili 2’和红藜 Chenopodium formosanum 4 个品种(种)为研究对象,对可食用期内叶片中不同形态的钙和草酸含量进行了测定分析。
    结果 在藜麦叶片可食用期内,叶片中钙形态以结合钙为主,平均占比总钙含量的92%以上,其中以‘陇藜1号’叶片中的结合钙含量占比最高,达97.3%,而含量最高的是红藜叶片,达2.16 g·kg−1。结合钙含量在藜麦叶片可食用生长期内呈不断增加趋势,增量最高的是‘冀藜2号’,由0.958 g·kg−1增至1.887 g·kg−1,游离钙(Ca2+)含量也呈不断增加的趋势,前期增幅大,后期增量大,其中增量最大的是红藜,由0.026 g·kg−1增至0.349 g·kg−1。Ca2+平均含量仍以红藜最高,达0.182 g·kg−1。水溶性草酸是藜麦叶片中草酸的主要存在形式,平均含量为5.78 g·kg−1,占总草酸含量的93.4%。水溶性草酸含量均随着生长时间的增加而减少,其中减量最大的是‘陇藜1号’,始末采样(首次采样和第6次采样)间可溶性草酸含量减少2.35 g·kg−1,减幅最大的也是‘陇藜1号’,达35%。总草酸含量动态与水溶性草酸含量动态相似,生长期内含量仍呈不断下降趋势,其中减量和减幅最大的均是‘陇藜1号’。叶片可采食期内以固体形态存在的草酸平均含量以‘陇藜1号’最高,达0.65 g·kg−1,红藜叶片中含量最低。相关性分析表明,草酸含量和生长时间之间呈显著负相关(P<0.01),总钙含量与生长时间呈显著正相关(P<0.01),草酸含量与总钙含量呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。
    结论 从营养价值和口感的角度来看,中后期的藜麦叶片更适合食用。


    Abstract: In order to find out the content of calcium and oxalic acid in the leaves of the genus Chenopodium, the main cultivated plant in Zhejiang Province, Ch. Quinoa ‘Longli 1’ Ch. Quinoa ‘Qingli 4’ Ch. Quinoa ‘Jili 2’ and Chenopodium formosanum were used as research objects and determined the content of calcium and oxalic acid in different forms within the edible period. The results showed that during the edible period of quinoa leaves, the bound calcium was mainly calcium, accounting for an average of more than 92% of the total calcium. Among them, Ch. Quinoa ‘Longli 1’ accounted for the most, reaching 97.3%, while the highest content was in Chenopodium formosanum, reaching 2.16 g·kg−1. The combined calcium content shows a continuous increasing trend, with the highest increase being in Ch. Quinoa ‘Jili 2’, which increased from 0.958 g·kg−1to 1.887g·kg−1. Ca2+ also showed continuous increasing trend, with a large increase in the early stage and a large increase in the later stage. The largest increment was Chenopodium formosanum, from 0.026 g·kg−1 to 0.349 g·kg−1. The average content of Ca2+ was still highest in Chenopodium formosanum, reaching 0.182 g·kg−1. Water soluble oxalic acid was the main form of oxalic acid present in quinoa leaves, with an average content of 5.78 g·kg−1, accounting for 93.4% of the total oxalic acid. Water soluble oxalic acid decreased within growth time, with the largest decrease being in Ch. Quinoa ‘Longli 1’. The soluble oxalic acid content decreased by 2.352 g·kg−1 between the beginning and end samples, and the largest decrease was Ch. Quinoa ‘Longli 1’, reaching 35%. The dynamic content of total oxalic acid was similar to water-soluble oxalic acid, and the content still showed a continuous decreasing trend during the growth period. Among them, the largest reduction and decline was Ch. Quinoa ‘Longli 1’. The average content of oxalic acid in solid form leaves is highest in Ch. Quinoa ‘Longli 1’, reaching 0.65 g·kg−1, while the content of Chenopodium formosanum leaves was the lowest. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant negative correlation between oxalic acid content and growth time, significant positive correlation between total calcium content and growth time, and significant negative correlation between oxalic acid content and total calcium content.


