

Evaluation, Protection and Utilization of Forest Landscape Resources in Zhejiang Province

  • 摘要: 森林风景资源具有珍贵、稀有和难以再生等特点,在资源管理中存在保护力度不够、管理不到位、内涵挖掘不够等问题。以2018年浙江省森林风景资源普查成果为研究数据,采用定量与定性相结合的方法对全省森林风景资源进行评价分析。浙江省共计调查获得18836个森林风景资源单体,分属于5个主类、24个亚类、83个次亚类和197个基本类型。其中,按资源类型分,生物资源6911个,地文资源3712个,水文资源2347个,天象资源324个,人文资源5542个。按资源等级分,五级123个,四级513个,三级6394个,二级7715个,一级4091个。经分析,浙江省森林风景资源类型多样,储量丰富,自然人文相得益彰;品质优良,特色明显,资源利用潜力巨大;分布广泛,空间不均,资源聚集效应明显。建议完善资源管理体系,加强资源修复建设,挖掘资源文化内涵,建立资源监测体系,提高资源保护利用水平。


    Abstract: Forest landscape resources are precious, rare and difficult to regenerate. There are some problems in resource management, such as insufficient protection, inadequate management and insufficient connotation mining. Resources of the whole province were evaluated by combining quantitative and qualitative methods, based on the survey results of Zhejiang Province forest landscape resources in 2018. A total of 18836 forest landscape resources were obtained in Zhejiang Province, belonging to 5 main categories, 24 subcategories, 83 types and 197 basic types. Among them, according to the type of resources, there were 6911 biological landscapes, 3712 geographical landscapes, 2347 hydrological landscapes, 324 celestial landscapes and 5542 cultural landscapes. According to the rank of resources, there were 123 resources in grade 5 513 resources in grade 46 394 resources in grade 37 715 resources in grade 2 and 4091 resources in grade 1. Through analysis, the forest landscape resources in Zhejiang Province were of various types and abundant reserves and nature and culture complement each other. The quality of resources was excellent, the characteristics of resources were obvious and has great potential for resource utilization. The resources were widely distributed and unevenly distributed in space, and the resource aggregation effect was obvious. It was suggested to improve the resource management system, strengthen the restoration and construction of resources, excavate the cultural connotation of resources, establish a resource monitoring system, to improve the level of resource protection and utilization.


