

Structure and Function of Forest for Water Conservation In Kaihua

  • 摘要: 在钱塘江源头开化县林场选择马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林、杉木(Cunnihamia lanceolata)林、落叶阔叶林、松阔混交林和毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. pubescens)林5种森林植被类型,建立20 m×20 m(水平距离)的调查样地,分析不同林分结构与功能的关系,探索该区域水源林目标结构类型和现有水源林结构优化调整措施和经营对策。结果表明:不同林分内乔木层的郁闭度相似,灌木层与草本层却差异明显;不同林分枯落物层厚度接近,而腐殖层厚度却有明显差别;从不同林分的涵养水源以及保护植物多样性功能看,松林、松阔混交林和落叶阔叶林要高于毛竹林和杉木林。因此,建议通过间伐和引入乡土阔叶树种,将针叶纯林改造为针阔混交林,将树种单一、稳定性差的同龄纯林,逐步改造为异龄复层林,并根据不同林分类型调节乔木层郁闭度,从而影响林下的灌木层、草本层和枯落物层等。


    Abstract: Sample plots were established and investigated at pine forest, Chinese fir forest, deciduous broad leaf forest, mixed forest of pine and broad leaf forest and bamboo forest in Kaihua county, Zhejiang province, for studying relation between forest types and function. The result showed that the canopy density was similar at arbor layers of different forest types, but different at shrub and herb layers. Thicknesses of litter layers were similar among different forest types, but the humus layers were different. The investigation demonstrated that pine forest, mixed forest of pine and broad leaf forest and deciduous broad leaf forest had better effect of water conservation and plant diversity. Propositions were offered such as planting native broad-leaved tree species by thinning, transforming pure coniferous forest to mixed forest of coniferous and broadleaf, and even-aged pure forest to forest with different species and age. In addition, the canopy density of tree layer should be better different with forest types


