

Determination on Color Scale and Photosynthetic Parameters of Different Aged Distylium buxifolium Leaf in Winter

  • 摘要: 对小叶蚊母树(Distylium buxifolium)不同叶龄叶片特征、叶色参数及光合特性于2015年1月进行测定,结果表明:不同叶龄叶片叶型及叶色参数差异显著,秋叶的叶片长、宽、面积和周长显著高于夏叶和春叶, L*为秋叶 > 春叶 > 夏叶, a*显示秋叶红色程度较高;3种不同叶龄叶片光合特性存在一定差异,PnTrTfGsWUECi都随着PAR的增加而增加,其中PnGsTr差异显著,均是春叶显著高于夏叶和秋叶,3者的TfWUE差异不显著;Ci随着PAR的增加开始呈下降的趋势,三者之间差异不显著。


    Abstract: Determinations were conducted on leaf index, color scale and photosynthetic parameters of different aged Distylium buxifolium leaves in January of 2015, in Lishui, Zhejiang province. The result demonstrated that leaf index and color scale of different aged leaves had great difference. The length, width, perimeter and area of autumn leaf was evidently higher than that of summer and spring leaves. Uniform color space determination indicated that luminance (L*) was order by autumn leaf>spring one>summer one, while chrominance (a*) of autumn leaf was red. Photosynthetic parameters of different aged leaves had difference. Pn, Tr, Tf, Gs, WUE and Ci increased with PAR. Pn, Gs and Tr had great difference among different aged leaves, spring leaf was always higher than summer and autumn leaf. Tf and WUE of different aged leaves had similar change, as well as Ci


