

Experiment on Control of Hippota dorsalis Adult by Different Pesticides

  • 摘要: 采用森得保喷粉、不同比例氰戊菊酯乳油混合烟剂喷烟防治竹卵圆蝽(Hippota dorsalis)成虫,结果表明三种防治处理都具有极佳的防治效果。室外定点试验结果表明,喷施森得保粉剂和氰戊菊酯乳油混合烟剂,2d后卵圆蝽成虫校正死亡率即达到100%;林间应用结果表明,防治15 d后,竹秆上虫口减退率达到96%以上。对3种处理分析比较,喷烟防治成本较低,喷粉防治受气候因素影响少、对生态更安全,森得保喷粉是防治竹卵圆蝽成虫的理想方法。


    Abstract: Experiments were conducted on control against Hippota dorsalis adults in bamboo forests of Suicang, Zhejiang province with Sendebao and different concentration of fenvalerate+DDVP+somke agent(1:0.5:70 and 2:1:70). Test in outdoor cage showed that the corrected mortality rate of H. dorsalis adults reached 100% 2 days later. Field test demonstrated that the population of H. dorsalis adults decreased by 96% 15 days later. Comparisons on tested methods indicated that fenvalerate had advantage of lower cost, but Sendebao had more, like not affected by the weather, and safer to the environment


