

Investigation and Analysis on Vegetation in Lalongcuo National Wetland Park of Sichuan

  • 摘要: 对四川白玉拉龙措国家湿地公园的植物种类及植被类型进行调查,结果表明:湿地公园共有高等植物66科174属377种,以被子植物居多,占总种数的91.78%;湿地植物共计21科27属46种,以莎草科最多,其次为 灯心草科;湿地公园分布有国家I级重点保护植物1种、国家II级重点保护植物2种、珍稀濒危植物5种及中国特有植物5种;从种子植物属的区系分布来看,地理成分较为复杂,植物区系具有典型的温带属性;湿地公园自然植被可分为5个植被型组,7个植被型,19个群系,无栽培植被;植被调查结果显示,以灌丛、草甸和沼泽占绝对优势,共计17个群系,占总群系的89.47%,其中,温泉水绵沼泽是目前中国少数几个湿地公园拥有的湿地植被类型。


    Abstract: Investigations on vegetation in Baiyu Lalongcuo National Wetland Park, Sichuan province, demonstrated that there are 377 species of higher plants, belonging to 174 genera and 66 families, dominated by angiosperm, about 91.78% of the total species. There are 46 species of wetland plants, belonging to 27 genera and 21 families, dominated by Cyperaceae and Juncus. One species has been listed as the national first grade wild life of China for protection, 2 species as the second grade one, 5 species as rare and endangered and 5 species as endemic in China. In light of the areal-types of genera, the North Temperate component is dominant in the flora of the park. The natural vegetation in the park could be classified into 19 formations of 7 vegetation types and 5 vegetation type groups. Cultivated vegetation is not found. The results showed that formation of shrubs, meadows and swamps occupied 17 formations (89.47%). Formation of Spirogyra spp. could be few found in wetlands of China.


