

Forest Carbon Storage in Yunnan during 2008-2013

  • 摘要: 根据第七、第八次全国森林资源连续清查数据,采用生物量扩展因子法,从不同龄组、林型、起源对云南省森林植被碳储量和碳密度进行估算。结果表明,2008年云南省森林植被总碳储量798.31×106 t, 2013年增至831.81×106 t;2013年的调查结果显示各林型(除灌木林)碳储量普遍增加,平均碳密度却有所降低,由第七次调查时的49.98 t∕hm2,降至2013年的39.78 t∕hm2;人工林各龄组间碳储量变化明显,平均变化率达55.28%;天然林碳储量却只增加了23.02×106 t,增长率为3.26%。适当扩大人工林面积可增加碳储量,但这种方式已经不适合云南碳汇项目的发展。


    Abstract: Estimation was made on forest carbon storage and density in Yunnan province based on continuous inventory for national forest resources in 2008 and 2013, by biomass extension factors and with forest age structure, type and origin. The results showed that forest carbon storage in Yunnan in 2008 was 798.31×106 t and increased to 831.81×106 t in 2013. Inventory in 2013 demonstrated that carbon storage of different forest types increased except shrub, but carbon density decreased from 49.98 t/ha in 2008 to 39.78t/ha. The forest carbon storage of the plantation had a significant change, instead, of the natural forest, increased by only 23.02×106 t during 5 years. Forest carbon storage could be increased by more plantation area, which is not sustainable for Yunnan province.


