

Influence of Intensive Management on Content ofSoil Water Soluble Base in Different Aged Phyllostacys praecox cv. prevernalis Stand

  • 摘要: 2016年6月,以水稻田和红豆杉幼林地为对照,在浙江省临安市选取2、6、8、11、16、20 a集约经营雷竹林(Phyllostachys praecox cv. prevernalis)提取0 ~ 10 cm、>10 ~ 20 cm和 >20 ~ 40 cm层土样,测定各层钠、钙、镁、钾4种水溶性盐基离子浓度。结果表明,随着竹林覆盖经营时间的延长,土壤水溶性钾随着土层深度的增加而下降,水溶性钠和钙随土壤深度的增加而上升,水溶性镁在各土层的分布变化不大;对比水稻田土壤和红豆杉幼林地土壤,雷竹林表层土壤(0 ~10 cm)中水溶性钾、钙、钠和镁含量随着集约栽培时间增加,土壤水溶性盐基组分含量呈单峰型变化,其含量与雷竹的集约栽培措施密切相关。


    Abstract: Soil sampling was conducted at 0-10cm, >10-20cm, >20-40cm layer in 2-, 6-, 8-, 11-, 16-, 20-year mulching Phyllostachys praecox cv. prevernalis stand in Lin’an, Zhejiang province in June 2010, taking paddy field and young Taxus chinensis var.mairei stand as the control. Determinations on water soluble Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ content at different layers and different aged stand demonstrated that water soluble K+ content decreased with the depth of soil layer, Na+ and Ca2+ content was the opposite, and Mg2+ content had no evident change among different layers along with years of mulching. Compared with the control, water soluble K+, Ca2+, Na+ and Mg2+ content at 0-10 cm layer of different aged stands had unimodal distribution, indicating that soil water soluble base content had close relation intensity of management.


