

Static and Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Dimension Lumbers

  • 摘要: 采用无损横向振动法和三点静态弯曲法,对加拿大进口的云杉-松-冷杉(Spruce-Pine-Fir, SPF)J等级规格材的动、静态弹性模量进行测试和评价。结果表明,SPF规格材有明显的两个峰值,其一阶频率峰值平均为44.78 Hz,二阶频率峰值平均122.61 Hz;两种方法测得的SPF弹性模量服从正态分布,近1/3的规格材弹性模量值在10 000~11 000 MPa;动、静态弹性模量平均值分别为10 983 MPa和10 523 MPa,SPF规格材动态弹性模量比静态弹性模量高4.38%,动、静态弹性模量值之间具有非常强的相关性(R2=0.91)。


    Abstract: Determinations were implemented by non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods, like transverse vibration (TV) and three-point static bending (TSB) on static and dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOE) of dimension lumbers of Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF) of grade J imported form Canada. The results showed the MOE of SPF dimension lumber was normal distribution and one third of them had the MOE in the range from 10000MPa to 11000MPa. Mean dynamic and static MOE measured by TV and TSB was 10983MPa and 10523MPa. It had strong correlation between dynamic MOE and static MOE(R2=0.91).


