

Growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata Cuttings with Different Clones and Specifications

  • 摘要: 1992年,在浙江省开化县对开天3、开天57和开天新6三个杉木(Cunninghamia lauceolata)无性系的5个规格扦插苗进行造林试验,研究不同无性系、不同苗木规格对杉木造林的影响。2014年调查结果表明,不同无性系及不同苗木规格造林成活率、保存率均在95%、85%以上,无显著差异;3个无性系间树高、胸径、材积生长量差异极显著,以开天新6号表现最好,23年生时其平均树高15.56 m、胸径15.48 cm、单株材积0.159 8 m3;不同苗木规格间其胸径、材积差异显著,Ⅰ级苗木生长表现最好,23年生时平均树达14.39 m、胸径14.34 cm、单株材积0.130 9 m3。对不同规格杉木苗1、3、5、8年生时各生长性状的比较发现,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级苗造林后随树龄增加,其树高、胸径、材积间的差距也逐步减少,8年生时其树高由原来差异极显著变成差异不显著,胸径、材积由原来极显著变成显著;高径比在无性系及不同规格苗木间差异都不显著,以开天57最大,达到100.64;冠径比在不同无性系间差异显著,开天新6冠径比最小,为14.26,不同规格苗木之间差异不显著。选育的开天新6无性系在生长性状与形质指标上均表现良好,适宜在开化县类似杉木产区中等立地推广。


    Abstract: Afforestation was implemented in 1992 in Kaihua, Zhejiang province, by cuttings of Cunninghamia lanceolata with three different clones and five different seedling specifications. Investigations in 2014 demonstrated that survival and conservation rate of cutting seedlings had no evident difference among clones and specifications, topped to 95% and 85%. Height growth, DBH and individual volume had extremely significant difference among clones, the best clone was Kaitian New 6 with height of 15.56m, DBH of 15.48 cm and individual volume of 0.1598m3. DBH and individual volume had great difference among seedling specifications, the best seedling specification was grade I with height of 14.39m, DBH of 14.34 cm and individual volume of 0.1309m3. Comparisons on growth traits of 1-, 3-, 5-, and 8-year Chinese fir with different seedling specifications demonstrated that height growth, DBH and individual volume reduced difference along with ages among seedling of gradeⅠ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ. Height diameter ratio had no evident difference among clones and specifications, Kaitian 57 had the biggest of 100.64. Crown diameter ratio had significant difference among clones, the lowest was Kaitian New 6 of 14.26. The afforestation and investigation resulted that Kaitian New 6 had the best effect in growth and form traits, could be recommended to plant in medium site conditions of Kaihua country.


