

Effect of Different Substrates and Slow-Release Fertilizer Loading on Growth of Taxus chinensis var. mairei Container Saplings

  • 摘要: 2014年6月,通过4种不同基质配比及4种施肥处理方式对3年生南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var. mairei)开展容器大苗培育试验。2015年测定结果表明:泥炭︰蛭石=2︰1及黄心土︰泥炭︰蛭石=2︰2︰1处理均显著促进了南方红豆杉容器大苗的生长,但综合成本等因素,增加了40%黄心土的A2处理为南方红豆杉容器大苗的适宜育苗基质;所有施缓释肥(N︰P︰K=18︰6︰12)处理的南方红豆杉容器苗长势均显著高于施用复合肥的对照组(复合肥N︰P︰K=15︰15︰15),但在不同缓释肥处理间,南方红豆杉的生长没有显著差异,其中以SRF1处理(1.5 kg/m3)的苗木表现最优。


    Abstract: Experiments were conducted on three-year container T. chinensis var. mairei sapling cultivation with treatments of four different substrates and four fertilizers. The results showed that treatment of peat: vermiculite = 2:1 and yellow soil: peat: vermiculite = 2:2:1 promoted significantly growth of T. chinensis var. mairei saplings. The latter treatment was recommended for good growth and lower cost. The growth of T. chinensis var. mairei saplings was better with APEX slow-release fertilizer (SRF)(N:P:K=l8:6:12) than that with compound fertilizer N:P:K=15:15:15 (Control). But there was no significant effect on the growth among different quantity of slow-release fertilizer. The experiment resulted that growth of T. chinensis var. mairei saplings was the largest with SRF of 1.5 kg/m3.


