27 Pinus taeda families of 5 provenances were introduced for seedling cultivation and planting in Yuhang, Zhejiang province in 1997. Determination and analysis was carried out on growth traits in 2015. The result demonstrated that it had difference of growth traits among different provenances, but no difference among families of the same provenance. There was no negative correlations among growth and shape traits,and no differences among shape traits of different families. Duncan's multiple range test on provenances indicated that TX(Texas) and the control (locally improved P. taeda seed/PTA) showed the best in growth traits. Families of TX2 and TX3A from TX provenance had the best performances in volume of individual plant, 4.7% and 11.6% higher than that of the control. The introduction indicated that TX2 and TX3A were good genetic resources for being introduced in Yuhang.