

Insect Community Structure and Dynamics in Phyllostachys praecox cv. prevernalis Stands

  • 摘要: 2010-2011年对浙江省松阳县5种不同经营方式下雷竹(Phyllostachys praecox cv. prevernalis)林昆虫群落进行调查,收集了4 978号标本,隶属于19目,94科,207种。对其群落结构进行分析,结果表明,雷竹林中种类最丰富的是鳞翅目,其次为鞘翅目,种类最少的是竹节虫目、缨翅目等;节肢动物群落多样性呈现明显的季节性变化,冬季和夏季,相对丰度、多样性及优势集中性等指标均有所下降,高峰期都出现在每年的5月;从功能群看,植食性集团无论是种类或个体数都占有明显优势,其次是天敌集团,中性物种最少;植食性集团中昆虫种类多,但优势物种不突出;中性集团以蚊科和大蚊科为优势;天敌集团中以捕食性天敌(蜘蛛和捕食性昆虫)占主导地位。


    Abstract: Investigation on insects’ communities and dynamics was implemented in Phyllostachys praecox cv. prevernalis stands of Songyang, Zhejiang province from 2010 to 2011. 4978 specimen were collected, and 207 species of 94 families of 19 orders were identified. Analysis on insect community structure demonstrated that Lepidoptera occupied the largest number of species in the community, followed by Coleoptera. Diversity of arthropod community showed obvious seasonal change. Relative abundance, diversity and dominance decreased in winter and summer, peaked in May. From the view of functional groups, herbivorous insects were dominant by species and individual number, followed by predatory insects and spiders, and the last was neutral insects. Herbivorous insects had many species, but no one was dominant, neutral insects were dominated by Culididae and Tipulidae. Predators included spiders and predatory insects.


