
南暖温带城市公园植物群落结构研究 ——以青岛、徐州为例

Study on Plant Community Structure in Urban Parks in Qingdao and Xuzhou

  • 摘要: 选取我国南暖温带区山东省青岛市与江苏省徐州市典型的18 个城市公园内60 个植物群落进行调查,分析 研究群落的物种组成和结构、空间布局、季相变化等,并对其中2 个公园的植物群落的配置方式、物种多样性进 行分析。结果表明,2 个城市公园植物群落类型均较多样,物种丰富度较高,都以落叶树种为主,具有较为明显 的四季季相差异,但重要值最高的均为常绿树种;两地的乡土树种所占比例均超过45%;青岛植物群落乔木层多 样性指数高于灌木层,但差异不大,徐州的则相反;青岛草本植物运用较少;青岛的以针阔混交型为主,徐州的 以常绿落叶阔叶混交型为主,二地群落垂直结构基本是以乔-灌-草型为主的复合群落;空间上,两地均以半开敞 空间为主,覆盖空间的运用也较多。


    Abstract: Investigations were implemented on 60 plant communities of 18 urban cities in Qingdao of Shandong province and Xuzhou of Jiangsu province both in the southern warm temperate zone. Studies on species composition and community structure, spatial distribution and seasonal aspects demonstrated that there were many community types with rich species diversity and seasonal aspects, dominated by deciduous species, but the highest importance value was evergreen species. Indigenous tree species in surveyed communities occupied more than 45%. Species richness index of arbor layer in Qingdao was a little higher than that of shrub layer, but that in Xuzhou was the opposite. Community lives in Qingdao were dominated by mixed forest of coniferous and broad leaf, while that in Xuzhou by mixed forest of evergreen and deciduous broad leaf. Spatial distribution was arbor-shrub-herb in the two cities.


