
毛竹笋用林标准化推广模式初报 ——以庆元县毛竹笋用林标准化生产为例

Preliminary Report on Standardization Production Model for Shoot-use Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. pubescens Stand

  • 摘要: 2014-2016年,按照《毛竹笋用林栽培技术规程》在浙江省庆元县毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. pubescens)林地进行推广试验。调整了竹林结构,立竹密度从2 600~2 900株/hm2调整为2 400~2 700株/hm2;年龄结构调整为4:4:2(Ⅰ度竹:Ⅱ度竹:Ⅲ度竹);采用生态型土壤管理进行松土、施肥、灌溉和排水;采用测土配方施肥技术。实施后的效益分析表明,标准化示范基地年产竹材10 860 kg/hm2、春笋1 425 kg/hm2、冬笋742.5 kg/hm2,年效益为12 607.5 元/ hm2,而未实施标准化生产的竹林年效益仅为11 415 元/ hm2。


    Abstract: Experiments were implemented for extension of standardization production of shoot-use Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. pubescens stand from 2014 to 2016 in Qingyuan, Zhejiang province. Density of the stand decreased from 2600-2900 bamboos/ha to 2400-2700 bamboos/ha, and age structure changed to 4:4:2(2-year: 4-year: 6-year). Ecological management was carried out on soil, irrigation, drainage and fertilization before soil testing. Bamboo stand treated by standardization production model had annual culm yield of 10860kg/ha, spring shoot of 1425kg/ha, winter shoot of 742.5kg/ha, with benefit of 12607.5 Yuan RMB, while the stand without treatment had benefit of 5707.5 Yuan RMB.


