Three permanent sample plots in each subcompartment (4 subcompartments) were established in 2012 for test of thinning and fertilization on growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation and mixed forest in Suichang, Zhejiang province. Complete enumeration was conducted in July-September of 2012 at permanent sample plots in each treatment of each subcompartment. Thinning was finished before December of 2012, followed by fertilization after thinning, no fertilization after thinning, no fertilization no thinning. The result demonstrated that fertilization after thinning had the best effect on DBH and standing stock increment two years later. The treatment of fertilization after thinning could increase 27810 Yuan RMB/ha in increment of volume a year, 13560 Yuan RMB more than that of no fertilization and thinning.