

Effect of Thinning and Fertilization on Increment in DBH and Volume of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation

  • 摘要: 2012 年对浙江省遂昌县牛头山、白马山、桂洋、湖山林场4 个小班的人工杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata) 林和针阔混交林(杉木:鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)为7:3,株数比)进行“间伐后施肥”、“间伐后不施 肥”、“不施肥不间伐”3 种处理,2014 年调查比较不同措施对杉木林胸径和材积生长量以及经济收入的影响。 结果表明,“间伐后施肥”处理的效果最好,实施2 a 后杉木林平均胸径生长量、蓄积增长量比间伐前都有明显 增长;3 种处理给杉木材积增长带来的经济效益以“间伐后施肥”为最明显,每年可增加经济效益27 810 元/hm2, 比“不施肥不间伐”增加13 560 元/hm2。


    Abstract: Three permanent sample plots in each subcompartment (4 subcompartments) were established in 2012 for test of thinning and fertilization on growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation and mixed forest in Suichang, Zhejiang province. Complete enumeration was conducted in July-September of 2012 at permanent sample plots in each treatment of each subcompartment. Thinning was finished before December of 2012, followed by fertilization after thinning, no fertilization after thinning, no fertilization no thinning. The result demonstrated that fertilization after thinning had the best effect on DBH and standing stock increment two years later. The treatment of fertilization after thinning could increase 27810 Yuan RMB/ha in increment of volume a year, 13560 Yuan RMB more than that of no fertilization and thinning.


