

Current Situations and Countermeasures for Management of National Ecological Forest in Zhejiang

  • 摘要: 截止2014年底,浙江省共有国家级公益林93.05万hm2,占全省林业用地面积的14.10%。公益林补偿标准由2001年的120元/hm2提高至2015年的450元/hm2,并逐步建立了组织保障、成效监测评估、信息管理及保护宣传等体系。分析了目前存在的问题,如公益林补偿标准与管理要求不匹配、建设与管护资金短缺、保护与开发压力大、基层管理力量薄弱及现有法律效力明显。提出了进一步完善公益林补偿机制,增强公益林自我补偿能力,加大公益林建设管护资金投入,提升管护水平,修订完善现有管理办法,搞活商品林经营,完善公益林管理机构,定向培育基层技术人员,出台公益林管理条例,提升法律效力的发展对策和建议。


    Abstract: There were 930 500 ha of national ecological forest in Zhejiang province by the end of 2014, about 14.10% of forestry land of the province. They distributed mostly around reservoir, banks of rivers. Annual compensation for ecological forest increased from 120 Yuan/ha in 2001 to 450 Yuan/ha in 2015. Analysis was made on challenges such as too lower compensation, shortage of funds for tending and management, etc. Propositions were put forwarded such as improving compensation system, increasing input of management, etc.


