

Effect of Different Treatments and Seed Maturity on Seed Germination of Rosa multiflora ‘Lushuohong’

  • 摘要: 2013年对2012年采收的成熟早期、中期、晚期的‘鲁硕红’蔷薇种子进行了温水浸种、机械挫伤种皮、稀酸浸种、碱浸种、赤霉素浸种、超声波、低温层积、冷冻、直接播种、脉冲水浸泡处理,研究其对种子萌发的影响。结果表明,不同处理方式对同一成熟度的蔷薇种子发芽率、发芽势及发芽指数的影响不同。脉冲水处理、机械挫伤种皮与低温层积可以提高蔷薇种子的萌发,尤其是脉冲水能够显著提高种子的发芽率、发芽势及发芽指数;脉冲水处理不同成熟度的蔷薇种子试验结果表明,成熟早期种子发芽势及发芽指数、发芽率相对较高;成熟中期种子发芽率次之;成熟晚期种子发芽率最低。


    Abstract: Experiments were conducted in 2013 on germination of Rosa multiflora ‘Lushuohong’ seeds collected in October, November and December of 2012 and treated by different methods. The result demonstrated that it had different effect of treatments on germination rate, germinating energy and germination index. The results showed that different treatment methods had different effect on germination rate, germination potential and germination index of seed collected in the same month. Seeds treated by pulse water, mechanical breaking seed coat and cold stratification could improve seed germination rate, especially the first treatment could increase germination rate and potential and germination index. Tests on treatment of pulse water on seeds of different collected time showed that germination rate, potential and index was the highest for seeds collected in October.


