

Species of Butterfly and Its Host in Nanling Natioanl Nature Reserve

  • 摘要: 从2006年6月到2011年6月,采用样线法在南岭国家级自然保护区海拔500m、1 000~1 200 m、最高峰1900 m附近分3段对蝴蝶种类进行调查,共发现11科94属508种蝴蝶,其中可以确定其寄主的有11科94属253种,分别为凤蝶科30种、粉蝶科17种、斑蝶科7种、环蝶科4种、眼蝶科56种、蛱蝶科53种、珍蝶科1种、喙蝶科1种、蚬蝶科7种、灰蝶科30种、弄蝶科47种。


    Abstract: Species of butterfly were investigated by line transect method at different elevations in Nanling National Nature Reserve of Guangdong province from June 2006 to June 2011. The result demonstrated that there were 508 species, belonging to 94 genera and 11 families.. Among them, 253 species of 94 genera and 11 families could be determined their hosts.. They were 30 species of papilionidae, 17 species of:Pieridae, 7 species of Danaidae, 4 species of Amathusiidae, 56 species of Satyridae, 53 species of Nymphalidae, 1 species of Acraeidae, 1 species of Libytheidae, 7 species of Riodinidae, 30 sepcies of Lycaenidae and 47 species of Hesperiidae.


