

Impact of Artificial Pollination on Fruit Bearing of Torreya grandis cv. Merrillii

  • 摘要: 2013年和2014年利用野生雄性榧树的花粉对浙江省遂昌县10~11年生初果期嫁接香榧(Torreya. Grandis cv. merrillii)林地进行人工辅助授粉试验。结果表明:在雌球花开的7 d内经过人工辅助授粉,可显著提高香榧挂果数量并实现早实;授粉时间与挂果数量之间存在显著的负相关关系,授粉时间最好在个别雌球花开的当天就开始。


    Abstract: Experiments were conducted on artificial pollination with local wild male Torreya grandis pollen on 10- and 11-year T. grandis cv. Merrillii stand in 2013 and 2014 in Suichang, Zhejiang province. The results showed that fruit bearing increased on T. grandis cv. Merrillii treated with artificial pollination within 7 days of female flowering. Artificial pollination time had evident negative relation with fruit bearing, indicating pollination time had better conducted in the first days of female flowering.


